Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

In fact, the free fall from a few thousand meters height is unlikely to kill you. A person jumped out of the plane at an altitude of nearly 5500m without having survived.

In fact, the free fall from a few thousand meters height is unlikely to kill you. A person jumped out of the plane at an altitude of nearly 5500m without having survived.

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Picture 1 of Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

The luckiest people in the world in history

The miracle happened to corporal Nicholas Stephen Alkemade of the British royal fleet on the night of March 24, 1944. At that time, Alkemade was 21 years old and was on his Lancaster II called "S for Sugar" returning home after the air raid on Berlin was attacked. The aircraft of Alkemade caught fire, the fire burned the umbrellas. Not wanting to be burned, Alkemade jumped off the plane at an altitude of nearly 5500m without a parachute.

Picture 2 of Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

Nicholas Stephen Alkemade (1923-1987).

"Death has forgotten" Alkemade, he was lucky to survive, even just sprained his leg after this fall. The branches and snow layers below saved Alkemade life.

After being discharged, Alkemade returned to England and worked in the chemical industry. He died on June 22, 1987.

In 1972, Vesna Vulovic took flight on the DC-9, which was blown off the plane at 10,000 meters when it exploded. At that time, she was inserted in a chair, a food trolley and the body of another crew. Luckily, she survived after falling into a snow-covered hill and was seriously injured.

In 1943, Alan Eugene Magee, an allied army pilot on a B-17 plane, fell in France. The fascists were not surprised when they discovered he was still alive. Later Magee was arrested as a prisoner of war.

On Christmas 1971, Juliane Koepcke's plane exploded in the Amazon. When she woke up, she found herself still in the chair, alone in the forest. 10 days later, she was found and cured.

How to survive free fall from a height of several thousand meters

Equip your knowledge to help you survive if unfortunately the bad situation happens.

If free fall at 3500m altitude, the speed falls about 58m / s, we only have about 60s in the air before hitting the ground. With that little time, you must quickly dismiss your fear and find a small source of survival, which is between you and the ground.


With such a high altitude and falling speed, water is not a good choice. Because it was like the concrete water could not be compressed so it fell into the water at high speed and fell on the road.

Picture 3 of Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

However, if there is no other option, avoid plunging into the water while in a face-down position or lying on your back. Learn athletes jumping, watering with your front legs, straightening or plugging down with your arms straightened to protect your head. If possible, dive down to where you anticipate the deepest water.


Although the structure and strength of the branches underneath are unclear, aiming for the trees to hope to help you reduce the impact force when landing will provide a better chance of survival.

Alkemade also survived by dropping through the trees and supported by that thick snow.

Picture 4 of Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

Hollow structure

If unfortunately falling into the city area, unable to choose big trees or deep lakes, the best choice is roofs of corrugated iron, big truck crates or even 7-seat cars. Hopefully those things can give you a chance to survive.

Thick snow mats, grass, straw, thick vegetation on the marsh face are the best options for you to have a high chance of survival.

Picture 5 of Miraculous survival after free fall from a height of more than 5000 meters

After orienting the landing site, make the most of the drag when reducing the falling speed by spreading your arms and legs, pointing your chest downwards, lifting your head up.

Although the above methods do not guarantee the possibility of surviving for you, but in that situation, try every possibility, know what death will ignore you.

Update 24 May 2019


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