iPhone users in Vietnam need to know this immediately to avoid disaster

Authorities warn of a new form of fraud targeting iPhone users and Apple products.

One piece of information that iPhone users in Vietnam need to know immediately is that many countries around the world have recently had a new form of fraud targeting Apple product users.

According to the Department of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications), scammers take advantage of the weakness of the MFA multi-factor authentication feature to spam target devices.

Calls impersonating Apple support staff aim to trick iPhone users and other Apple products such as iPad, iMac, MacBook. into saying the Apple ID reset password sent to the device, then the target will take over the user account.

Picture 1 of iPhone users in Vietnam need to know this immediately to avoid disaster

Fake messages sent by Apple support staff to iPhone users to scam.

Faced with the above situation, the Information Security Department recommends that Apple users in Vietnam be especially careful with unusual calls and should not receive strange calls, especially in the form of service support.

iPhone users should also not follow the subject's instructions without clearly verifying their identity, especially without providing personal information. In case of needing service support, users should choose official websites and proactively contact them to avoid fraud and property appropriation.

Update 01 April 2024


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