Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

With instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies in this article, you will get used to the game more quickly

Currently, with the genre of survival shooter, we have PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, Rules Of Survival . and some other games on the phone, talking about Battle Royale genre, the gameplay is still a person Last survived in the game, apart from this common point, each game title has its own changes to attract gamers outside the game mode.

That's what Cyber ​​Hunter is sending to Battle Royale fans, Cyber ​​Hunter is a combination of many factors such as survival shooting, fast-paced construction skills, camouflage . to give players a whole new experience.

And there are many things unlike those of other survival shooting games on the phone, so players will feel surprised when they first step into the game. Instructions to play Cyber ​​Hunter below will help you get used to the game faster.

  1. 4 web-based survival games are gentle but attractive like PUBG
  2. TOP best survival game on PC and download link

Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

First download Cyber ​​Hunter and start up, select Start to create the character.

Picture 1 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

The character of Cyber ​​Hunter is meticulously cared by NetEase, you will be able to edit the face of the character in detail. From face, eyes, face style, hair style . After you have finished editing the character face, click on Confirm in the lower right corner.

Picture 2 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Next is to name the character, you will be set up to 14 characters for your character name, and then click Confirm.

Picture 3 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Once you have completed the character, you will be taken to the training camp, where you will be trained in some basic character manipulations and features that your character can use in the game. .

When you finish the training, pick a match by clicking on the Matchdown in the main interface.

Picture 4 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Like other survival shooter games, you will have 3 modes of play: 4-person team, Duo team and single player. Select a game mode and click Start to enter the game.

Picture 5 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

You will be transferred into the waiting room, the countdown time will go on the plane to start the journey "a little, much more" on the island of survival. To enlarge the map click on the mini map in the upper right corner, then tap on the map location to mark it.

Picture 6 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

When you jump down, you will only be able to surf on your "flying disc" to the designated location, Cyber ​​Hunter does not have a parachute mode for gamers like most other survival games.

So you only have to surf to a predetermined location on the map, when you get close to the ground, the character will automatically remove the flying disc. To speed up, click the Nitros icon on the right as shown below.

Picture 7 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Down, the first thing to do is to loot the map to fight and fight, Cyber ​​Hunter also has the default auto-picking mode so your character will automatically pick up the missing items.

Picture 8 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

And every time you kill an enemy, approaching the enemy's inventory you will see a tiny bucket icon as shown below, click on it to loot the enemy's item.

Picture 9 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

A special feature of Cyber ​​Hunter is that players are allowed to use skills in the game, this skill can be to create shields, create motorcycles, add trees to camouflage, heal .

Click on the cube icon next to the weapon bar to open the skill list and use. Each skill will be fitted with the cubes you have to use.

Picture 10 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

The initial skills of the character can be creating shields, creating motorcycles, creating camouflage trees.

Picture 11 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

This is an advantage of the game, it helps a lot of gamers while running, or encountering dangerous situations needing to flee to recover strength or cover.

Picture 12 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Each time you level up, there will be more skills to unlock the requirements of each level, click on the skill management icon as shown below to open the skill menu.

Picture 13 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Click on the Skill item on the left and you will know how much it will open that skill, you can preview the effect of that skill by clicking on the previous introduction video in the middle of the screen.

Picture 14 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Go back to the game, when you have looted many items and do not want to store more, click on the backpack icon in the lower left corner to throw away unnecessary items.

Picture 15 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

In the ADS view, if you are not equipped with at least one Scope, when using the viewfinder ADS will not be as shown below. But just zoom close to the character a bit, below is the operation icon such as jumping, sitting and tumbling.

Cyber ​​Hunter will allow gamers to stick and jump continuously to climb a high position with a flat wall, based on this feature, you can escape the enemy when you flee.

Picture 16 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

The ring is still the same as the other games, there is always a white ring inside the green ring for gamers to arrange the running time.

Picture 17 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

And another thing is also featured in the survival shooter, which is Air Drop. The special feature of Air Drop Cyber ​​Hunter is that it will have markings on the map and will have bright columns when you see them on the way.

Picture 18 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Cyber ​​Hunter has a feature that automatically shoots when you see a player, so your operation is just a view so the standard is spoiled for "loot" the network.

As with any other survival game, the final result will tell you the number of enemies killed, the total damage and survival time, the amount of experience and gold received.

Picture 19 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

Go out, in the main interface you will see icons related to settings, game events, friends, boxes, mailboxes, supplies . Click the Settings icon as shown below.

Picture 20 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

In the Settings menu you will have options for editing game settings such as sound, graphics, controls, sensitivity .

Picture 21 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

If you see the Growth Path section appear in purple exclamation, you probably have that reward, click on it to open the Growth Path menu.

Picture 22 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

In the Growth Path menu there will be items such as Daily Tasks, promotion rewards . Each item will require completing the task to receive a reward, the item that will appear bonus will have the words Get in each item, Click on it and you will receive a Promotion Bonus.

Picture 23 of Instructions for playing Cyber ​​Hunter for newbies

In general, Cyber ​​Hunter's play style compared to other survival shooting games is not much different, only more specifically when Cyber ​​Hunter allows players to develop skills to support fleeing characters, defending, moving. transfer or recovery .

Clearly with the tools to support such a powerful, Cyber ​​Hunter will night for players a very interesting feeling when participating with 100 other players in the game, do not hesitate any longer, but download the Cyber ​​application immediately. Hunter returns to his phone and experiences the modern survival world of Cyber ​​Hunter.

Update 23 May 2019


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