Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

To experience the reality of racing games you can make your own handmade steering wheel for racing.

Applications on smart mobile devices are now available to install interesting games for users to easily choose. If you're a fan of exciting 3D games like Asphalt 8 or racing games, you want to have a sense of adventure and practical experience, then you need to spend a good amount of money to buy. These types of steering wheel have modern wifi connection. But with the constant creativity of our people, we have created a completely simple and unique handmade steering wheel. The gamers can make themselves the steering wheel with your personal style.

  1. Download game Asphalt 8: Airborne for Windows 8/10

Material to make handmade steering wheel like picture, we need: knife with paper, cardboard, battery, ball pen, and glue. Now let's start!

Picture 1 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

First you prepare a carton cover, the size of the steering wheel depends on whether you prepare your cover big or small to do. Then place the phone or tablet on the middle of the cover and use a ballpoint pen to shape the position.

Picture 2 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

Next is the size and position of the handle depending on your preferences, you will use the disc to draw different sizes to make it feel like it fits.

Picture 3 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

Then use a knife along the paper to cut out the drawn parts to shape the steering wheel. And this is the result.

Picture 4 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

If you want your steering wheel to become thicker and hold your hand more firmly, you can make 2-3 steering wheel similar to the above and use glue to fix them together.

Picture 5 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

In the last steering wheel you should not be in the position of the phone, so keep a part of the cover to place the phone, to keep the phone fixed.

The next step is to use glue, join the pieces of the steering wheel together into a solid handle.

Picture 6 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

In order for the steering wheel to be easily manipulated, we make the steering column for the steering wheel, to create the cylindrical part, use the same 4 size cardboard covers in length and width and use fixed glue to become a pillar.

Picture 7 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

Use a knife along the paper a short part of the base to make the foot balance for the handle and use the glue to fix it.

Picture 8 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

Use the drill to drill a hole in the center of the cylinder to fit the small battery.

Picture 9 of Instructions for making steering wheel with carton cover to play racing games

Use glue and fix the battery behind the steering wheel, so that the glue is dry, you can put the steering wheel in the cylinder, and finally put the phone in the steering wheel part, you can unleash it. Practical experience of this game already.

Update 23 May 2019


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