Hydrogel is made in 3D for use in soft robots

Scientists have found a way to develop hydrogels to mimic the structure and shape of plant or animal tissue, a progress that can be used in soft robots.

Scientists have found a way to develop hydrogels to mimic the structure and shape of plant or animal tissue, a progress that can be used in soft robots.

The discovery is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences proposing new applications in areas where hydrogels are often used, such as tissue engineering. The research team from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) submitted a new development patent.

In essence, plant or animal tissues are formed by new biomass added to existing structures. Their shape is the result of different parts of these tissues growing at different levels.

Picture 1 of Hydrogel is made in 3D for use in soft robots

The scientists of CMU Changjin Huang, David Quinn, K. Jimmy Hsia and NTU are appointed by GS. Subra Suresh has shown that by regulating oxygen levels, it is possible to simulate and control the growth of biological cells by hydrogel to create the desired complex 3D shape.

The team found that higher oxygen concentrations slowed the cross-linking of chemicals in hydrogels, inhibiting growth in that particular area.

Mechanical constraints such as soft cords or glass adhesives with gels can also be used to manipulate the assembly process and create hydrogels into complex structures applied in robots.

Such complex organizational structures are essential for implementing specialized body functions. For example, the human small intestine is covered by folds seen under a microscope called villi, which increases the surface area of ​​the intestine to absorb food nutrients more efficiently.

The new technique is said to be different from previous methods of creating 3D structures by adding / removing or removing layers of material. However, this technique relies on the process of continuous polymerization of mono inside porous hydrogel, similar to the expansion and development of living cells in human organic tissue.

Most living systems adopt a continuous growth model, so new techniques that mimic this approach may be a useful tool for scientists to study the phenomena of growth in the life system.

"Good control of growth and self-assembly of hydrogels into complex structures that create many possibilities in the field of medicine and robots. One of the areas that is most beneficial is tissue engineering, field replacement. The biological tissue is damaged, like knee repair or artificial false liver , " said Professor Subra Suresh.

Growth-controlled hydrogels and control structures are also useful in researching and developing flexible electronic devices and soft robots, increasing flexibility compared to conventional robots and imitating ways. living organisms move and react to the surrounding environment.

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Update 24 May 2019


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