How to use Ad-Aware 2007 Pro

Ad-Aware 2007 Pro version is full of 'weapons' against spyware attacks, preventing every corner of the computer that spyware can penetrate. Therefore, the user's remaining job is to set up 'weapons'

Ad-Aware 2007 Pro version has a full "weapon" against spyware attacks, preventing any "corner" of computers that spyware can penetrate. Therefore, the user's remaining job is to set up "weapons" to best suit "to the end".

Ad-Aware 2007 Pro has been greatly improved compared to the SE Professional version 1.06. It is integrated with new tools such as Connect, Host File Editor . which Free version does not have.

Using Ad-Aware 2007 Pro is not difficult if used through previous versions.


Friendly and clear is what we first encountered when activating Ad-Aware 2007 Pro. The default part is " Status " which provides the user with information such as update mode, current version, the number of spyware in the database, the last update date, the system scan date and the need Note here is the protection mode in real time (Real-time protection) whether it is open or not.

Ad-Aware 2007 Pro interface in the left menu and right content. When you select an item on the left, the right part will display the corresponding content. The Statistics and Log Files section provides information about the system status as well as storing the scans and associated data.

Find and kill

The Pro version includes 3 spyware scanning modes, Smart Scan (scanning the most frequently visited "spyware" sections), Full Scan (full system scan, all drives), Custom Scan (follow-up scanning option) establish). With the Custom Scan option, we have to select " Configure " and select the desired sections such as: registry, cookies, hijacker .

If you want to scan quickly, we choose Smart Scan but at least 1 time during the week we should scan with Full Scan mode after updating the database. Click " Scan " after selecting the appropriate scanning mode. The rest is waiting for results and processing.

Normally, it is recommended to select Quarantine for suspected malware, spyware in the list of results after scanning because we will be able to access Quarantine & Ignore to restore them when needed.

Two advantages in this part of the Pro version is that we can set up a regular scan mode during the week with the Schedule function and the part to create a system restore point (System restore).

Picture 1 of How to use Ad-Aware 2007 Pro
Ad-Watch 7

Ad-Watch is a "warrior" that keeps the system safe from spyware, malware. It is always present on the system tray and does its job. Ad-Watch includes 4 functions that can be activated by clicking on the icon (see picture).

- RegShield : protect registry settings such as Windows Startup, Internet Explorer, Windows Scripts .

- Processes : manage applications that are being executed on the system. Detect suspicious "processes" to handle. This function is effective when searching for trojans or keyloggers.

- Connect : manage connections to the Internet from applications.

- TrackSweep : delete web surfing traces (cookies, web address URL, cache .). Support for the three most popular browsers today is: Internet Explorer, FireFox and Opera.

Picture 2 of How to use Ad-Aware 2007 Pro
Process Watch

The main function of Process Watch is similar to Ad-Watch Processes but there are some extra features added. It provides information about processes on the machine according to the memory consumption, CPU, path, level and each file used. Accordingly, users can easily manage which applications are running on the computer and turn off any unauthorized applications or malware by selecting and clicking " Terminate ".

Host File Editor

Manage website addresses in the way that the Parental Controls work. Host File Editor supports locking advertisements on websites, restoring browser settings with malware, spyware changes.

Right click on the space, select " Add new entry ", double-click Hostname or IP, enter the corresponding web or IP address. The " Comment " section is for notes. Then press " Save " to back up the settings. Can import or export the list via Import / Export function.


Picture 3 of How to use Ad-Aware 2007 Pro
The Settings section in Ad-Aware 2007 Pro supports setting the default homepage and the default search engine for the browser. Avoid instances of hijacking BHO (Browser Helper Object).

In Scanning and AutoScan cards, there are quite a few options for users. It is best not to choose the parts that are not understood or unknown because it can make Ad-Aware work inefficiently.

UI card (User Interface) allows language selection, alarm sound when spyware is found, color, combined with Windows Explorer .

Log Files tab allows you to check the activities of Ad-Aware 2007 Pro. If you are an administrator, this function is very important to check and re-evaluate the entire system.

Update database

The vast majority of users forget to set up automatic database updating (CSDL). Set up automatic mode so you can safely protect the system against the latest harmful threats from the Internet.

The license fee for Ad-Aware 2007 Pro version is 39.95 USD. Visit the Lavasoft USA website for more information.

Thanh Truc

Update 25 May 2019


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