How to prevent and treat pinkeye

Pinkeye is very common in everyday life and is easily spread into disease. Most patients recover after 1 or 2 weeks but in some cases if not treated properly, it can lead to complications of keratitis, amblyopia ...

Pinkeye is very common in everyday life and is easily spread into disease. Most patients recover after 1 or 2 weeks but in some cases if not treated properly, it can lead to complications of keratitis, amblyopia .

Therefore, each of us needs to know how to prevent, signs and causes of disease to have timely treatment to avoid future effects.

Causes of pinkeye

Pink eye is common in the summer to the end of autumn, when the hot weather changes to rain, when the season is over, the humidity is high .

Causes of pinkeye are often caused by bacteria or bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococcus.

Picture 1 of How to prevent and treat pinkeye

Symptoms of pinkeye

  1. One-eyed red then spread to the second eye.
  2. Feel your eyes look like sand.
  3. The eyes with the most glutinous eyes are most closely after getting up. The eyes may be yellow or green depending on the cause.
  4. Eyelid eyes swollen, sore, watery eyes.
  5. Some cases of pseudomembranous inflammation.
  6. Some patients may experience fatigue, mild fever, cough, sore throat, lymph nodes in the ear.

People with pinkeye can still see normal, visual acuity is not impaired but if not treated promptly the more severe disease may be redness, sub-conjunctival hemorrhage, membrane in the eye .

Which route of pinkeye is transmitted?

Many people think that pinkeye can spread if you look at a patient's eye but this is not true. Like other respiratory infections, pinkeye is transmitted through the respiratory tract, so it is easy to spread to the whole house when a person gets through the following lines:

  1. Direct contact with patients through tears, saliva, shaking hands.
  2. Indirect contact through contaminated materials such as phones, door handles, stair buttons . Using personal objects of patients such as face towels, wash basins, pillows .
  3. Using contaminated water sources such as swimming pools, ponds, lakes .

Picture 2 of How to prevent and treat pinkeye

How to prevent pinkeye

A patient who has survived a week can still have germs and become a source of disease. Therefore, the best way to prevent disease is to implement good hygiene and isolation measures for patients.

When there is no translation

  1. Pay attention to personal hygiene, often washing your hands with clean water and soap.
  2. Do not share towels, wash basins, pillows.
  3. Towels need to be washed with soap and sun daily.
  4. Do not rub your eyes with your hands.

Picture 3 of How to prevent and treat pinkeye

When you are having pinkeye

In addition to the full implementation of the above measures, when there are outbreaks of red-eye, we need to note more:

  1. Limit contact with people with pinkeye.
  2. Limit to crowded places.
  3. Wash eyes at least 3 times a day in the morning, noon, evening with physiological saline.
  4. Do not share furniture, eye drops with patients.

Picture 4 of How to prevent and treat pinkeye

Treatment of pinkeye

Although pinkeye is benign, it leaves little sequelae but affects the daily life. However, there are cases of prolonged illness causing complications that affect vision later. Therefore, when sick, we must correctly diagnose the cause of the disease to have appropriate treatment to avoid further damage.

  1. Wipe, rinse the eyes at least twice a day with cotton or paper towels and put them in the trash.
  2. Do not examine the eyes of the affected eye for healthy eyes.
  3. Wear eyeglasses to avoid dust and smoke.
  4. Isolate people around to avoid spreading the disease.
  5. Wash your hands with soap before applying drops to your eyes.
  6. Do not cover the leaves in the eyes like strawberry leaves, betel leaves .

When there are signs of red-eye pain, the patient must go to the ophthalmic facility, use the medicine as directed by the doctor, absolutely not to buy the medicine arbitrarily. If the disease does not reduce, go to the doctor again for appropriate treatment.

  1. How to prevent eye aches when working in front of a computer
  2. How to cure pinkeye quickly and effectively
Update 24 May 2019


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