These foods should not be eaten when you have pinkeye

Pinkeye is a common disease when the season is over. Besides taking medicine, you should also limit the following foods so that you can quickly recover from the illness.

Pinkeye is a common eye condition when the season is rainy or rainy. The disease is not only contagious but also uncomfortable for those who suffer. Besides medication treatment, diet also contributes significantly to the treatment of pinkeye.

Therefore, when suffering from pinkeye, patients should not use the following foods:

1. Foods that smell fishy

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When you have pinkeye, you should absolutely avoid the fishy foods like fish, shrimp, crabs, squid . Because the fishy substances in these foods are absolutely not conducive to the inflammation of the inflammation of the mucosa that will make the disease become more serious.

2. Spicy, hot foods

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In addition to pinkeye, eye-related diseases such as blepharitis, scars . Hot spicy foods such as garlic, chili, dried onions . Also avoid using. Because pinkeye is caused by heat, so if we deliberately use these foods, it will make your eyes feel hot, irritated and more watery, so it is hard to get rid of the disease. Even tearing up garlic onions is easy to spread to the other eye (if you have 1 eye pain) or spread to others.

3. Do not eat spinach

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For people with pinkeye, if you eat the morning glory, it will make your eyes more uncomfortable.

4. Eye pain should not eat a lot of animal fat

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Animal fats that are high in saturated fat make your body accumulate excess fat quickly, which affects your red eye treatment, making your eyes blurry and difficult to remove. In addition, using more animal fat also increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease .

5. Do not drink carbonated beverages

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When you are suffering from pinkeye absolutely do not use alcohol or carbonated beverages. Because these drinks when we use them will make us excited and may cause dizziness, dizziness, fatigue, not good for people who are sick.

6. Tobacco is very toxic to the eyes

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Scientific studies have shown that tobacco is very harmful to the health, adversely affects the lungs and nervous system, and is not good for the eyes, especially when you have pinkeye. When smoking, nicotine-containing smoke reduces the ability of the eye to regulate and see very quickly because of its effects and inhibits nerves.

7. Drinking indiscriminate antibiotics

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Some people who get sick often have the habit of buying antibiotics for use instead of going to the doctor. However, when you go to buy a medicine that does not have a doctor, it is very likely to cause an antibiotic allergy.

Besides abstinence, people with pinkeye should also be interested in diet, should supplement the body with many vitamins A, B12, C . to increase resistance. Some foods should be enhanced during meals such as spinach, carrots, oranges, lemons . that will help increase resistance, help your eyes grow faster.

People who often work in the workplace environment, have to be exposed for a long time before the computer screen should be limited to have a suitable working mode to help the eyes relax and quickly recover. In addition to avoiding places with lots of smoke, wear sunglasses when infected, do not use towels together with others . to quickly heal and reduce the risk of disease for those around .

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