What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health?
Because the abdomen contains many important organs and nerve endings, there are many factors that can cause pain in different locations. An unhealthy diet, overeating, and certain medications can cause ulcers, gallstones, or even heartburn. That's why it's important to locate the pain and take the necessary healing measures immediately.
Here's what you need to know about the causes of abdominal pain in different locations .
Dull abdominal pain: Excess air in the abdomen
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 1
If you feel a dull pain in the upper area of your stomach or abdomen and feel bloated, you may have excess gas in your body. You are also likely to experience other symptoms such as intermittent pain and swelling in your stomach or feeling like something is moving in your stomach and belching or farting.
Cause : Eating quickly and swallowing quickly can cause this feeling. Carbonated drinks, beer, dairy products and beans easily accumulate a lot of gas in the stomach.
Solution : You should consume less of the foods listed above. You can quickly fix the problem by using mint lozenges.
Pain in the area below the chest or upper abdomen: Heartburn
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 2
Heartburn (acid reflux) creates a burning pain in the lower chest and upper abdomen. In addition, you may feel a burning sensation in your throat, sometimes even with a strange sour taste.
Cause : Due to consumption of spicy, greasy foods, raw onions, chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee and caffeinated drinks.
Solution : Don't eat too much. You should only eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, instead of 2 to 3 large meals. In addition, you should wear loose clothes to avoid pressure on the abdomen and quit smoking.
Severe pain in the upper abdomen: Ulcers
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 3
Ulcers can be the cause of sharp pain in the upper abdomen and abdomen. Ulcers appear when your stomach lining is damaged or by strong painkillers. Other symptoms of ulcers are: changes in appetite, nausea, bloody or dark stools, unexplained weight loss, vomiting and chest pain.
Cause : Regular use of aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory drugs will negatively affect the stomach and cause ulcers.
Solution : To prevent ulcers, you should also limit the use of pain relievers and wash your hands before eating. A healthy diet is very important. You should include whole grains, mix them with fruits or vegetables and quit smoking.
Cramping and bloating: Irritable bowel syndrome
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 4
If your digestive system is sensitive, you may feel cramping and bloating in the abdominal area and cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In this case, 2 outcomes are possible. Your digestive system will start working very quickly and lead to diarrhea, or things will slow down and leave you constipated.
Cause : It is unknown what causes IBS, but it is believed that it may occur due to a certain combination of abnormal movements of the digestive tract. Disruption in communication between the brain and the digestive tract is also one of the factors causing this problem.
Solution : In this case, you should review the food you consume. See what foods your body is sensitive to to reduce your tolerance to them.
Cramping and diarrhea: Gastritis
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 5
If you experience sharp pains and cramps in your abdomen, watery diarrhea (usually not bloody), nausea, vomiting, occasional muscle aches or headaches, and mild fever, it may indicate inflammation. stomach.
Cause: : You can get gastritis if you eat contaminated food or drink water or share accessories, towels and personal belongings of an infected person.
Solution: You should get vaccinated, wash your hands before eating, make sure everyone in the house uses separate personal items, and disinfect hard surfaces.
Mild pain and indigestion: Lactose intolerance
What does the location of your stomach pain reveal about your health? Picture 6
Stomach pain and bloating are some common symptoms that indicate lactose intolerance. This can cause diarrhea, bloating or constipation. Some other symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, loss of concentration, muscle and joint pain, mouth ulcers, and difficulty urinating.
Cause : Normally, lactose intolerance is due to a deficiency of the lactose enzyme in the intestines. It breaks lactose into two smaller sugars (glucose and galactose) and allows the lactose to be absorbed from the intestines.
Solution : You should eat a lactose-free diet. However, to ensure you are not lacking calcium and other useful substances from milk, try eating more products such as broccoli, kale, tuna, salmon and calcium-fortified products such as soy milk. soy.
Above are common abdominal pain locations including causes and remedies . If it doesn't work, go to your doctor for a check-up and advice right away!
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