How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?

Jewelry is an indispensable accessory in a woman's collection. Therefore, you must know how to preserve your jewelry to keep it shiny and new

Jewelry is an indispensable accessory in a woman's collection. Therefore, you must know how to take care of your jewelry to keep it shiny and new. A necklace, a small ring or a ring of gold, silver, precious stones or diamonds of common but shiny type also brings sophistication and confidence to the user.

Picture 1 of How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?
How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?

According to the advice of experts, you should not wear jewelry 24 hours a day or throughout the week, first of all for your health because wearing jewelry will impede blood circulation when you Sleep. 

The best way to keep your jewelry looking gorgeous is to avoid exposing it to too much environmental factors and absolutely not being exposed to cosmetics and chemicals.

Take off your jewelry when you do housework, play sports, go swimming and even sleep to avoid scratching. Besides, depending on the material of jewelry making, each type also has its own cleaning and maintenance methods to keep your jewelry bright and durable.


How to care for silver jewelry?

Silver's property is to absorb sweat, so silver jewelry will degrade quite quickly. To easily remove this tarnish, soak silver jewelry in a separate chemical solution that you can easily find at supermarkets and jewelers. Soak your silver jewelry in the solution for about 1 minute, then rinse with water and dry.

You can also clean your own silver jewelry by simply applying toothpaste with a soft toothbrush and then brushing it in water until the jewelry is shiny like new.

Picture 2 of How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?
Clean silver jewelry with toothpaste


How to care for plated jewelry?

For plated jewelry, if it is plated with a layer of plantinum (platinum) or rhodium (precious white metal), it will take longer to tarnish. You can use it for a long time from 2 weeks to 1 month (long or fast depending on the location of each person). To continue using your favorite plated jewelry, you can take it to a jeweler to have it plated at a very low cost.


How to care for gold jewelry?

Picture 3 of How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?
Preserving gold jewelry

Every week, you should use a brush dipped in soap or toothpaste to clean the inside and outside of jewelry. When the jewelry is wet, use a cotton cloth or tissue paper to dry it.


How to care for jewelry with gemstones

From time to time, you should soak jewelry with gemstones of all kinds in warm soapy water and then dry with a soft cloth. 


Soak in a solution of 2 parts warm water and 1 part ammonia for a few minutes. Scrub the dirt. Rinse with water and dry. Take care to store each tablet separately. Diamonds are very hard and can scratch or crack if left in the box.

Jade, Ruby, Amethyst

Dip each type in a mixture of warm water mixed with mild dishwashing liquid. Brush gently, coat and pat dry.


Soak in room temperature water and brush gently, let dry. Never use hot or soapy water. Most emeralds have very small cracks in the surface and are coated with oil or resin during the making process. Hot, foamy water will remove these fills and expose the crack.


Use a soft cloth moistened with soap to clean. Care must be taken when storing these iridescent stones, they are very susceptible to chipping. Note, cat's eye pearls need to absorb moisture in the air, or they will crack, so store in a well-ventilated and open box often. Do not store in an airtight container such as a safe.


Wipe with a soft, dry cloth. Never use detergent. The stone can absorb liquid and lose color. Needs regular cleaning to keep the color.


Picture 4 of How to keep your jewelry shiny and new?
Clean pearl jewelry

Whether real or fake, pearls are fragile and lose their luster. That's why you should spray perfume and makeup before putting it on.

Wipe pearls with a damp, soft cloth after each wear to remove dirt from attached cosmetics. For a cleaner clean, dip the brush in a mixture of warm water and mild soap, then brush around the pearl. Wipe with a damp cloth and let it air-dry to prevent scratches.


Use a cloth moistened with water, but no soap, to clean. Soap will discolor the stone's golden luster.

Update 08 May 2023


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