How to draw arrows in Photoshop

Highlighting special points in an image is essential if you want to convey it to your viewers. Drawing an arrow towards details will be the simplest option. At this article, will show you how to draw arrows in Phot

Highlighting special points in an image is essential if you want to convey it to your viewers. Drawing an arrow towards details will be the simplest option. At this article, will show you how to draw arrows in Photoshop.

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 1How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 1

How to draw arrows in Photoshop

Step 1: In the main interface of Photoshop, select the Line Tool.

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 2How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 2

Step 2: On the toolbar, select the gear icon and it will drop down to the control panel.

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 3How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 3

(1) Select Start or End in Arrowheads to select the position of the arrowhead at the beginning or the end of the line.

  1. Width: The width of the arrow
  2. Length: The length of the arrow
  3. Concavity: The curvature of the arrowhead

(2) Weight: The width of the entire arrow


  1. Fill: The color of the arrow
  2. Stroke: The color of the stroke color
  3. The adjacent box is the thickness of the arrow border (currently 1 px)

Step 3: Perform drawing arrows.

I will perform the following setup:

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 4How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 4

Hold the mouse to the beginning and drag to the end point and release.

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 5How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 5

Try a different setup type:

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 6How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 6

We get the following result:

How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 7How to draw arrows in Photoshop Picture 7

Above showed you how to draw name hats in Photoshop.

Wishing you a successful practice!

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