How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop. The first skill to start creating in Photoshop is to draw a basic line. These basic lines will be the basis for the shape so that from that cube you create more complex details.

The first skill to start creating in Photoshop is to draw a basic line. These basic lines will be the basis for the shape so that from that cube you create more complex details. Here please guide you how to draw straight lines, basic curves in Photoshop, please refer.

Here I use Photoshop CC version.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 1How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 1

Draw straight lines in Photoshop (CC)

Step 1: Create a new layer with the combination Shift + Ctrl + N

Step 2: In the main interface of Photoshop, select Line Tool.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 2How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 2

Step 2: Choose drawing colors, brush sizes.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 3How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 3

Step 3: Draw a straight line by holding the mouse to drag a straight line, to the last point you release is.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 4How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 4

Step 4: To move the line, click the newly created layer, use the Move Tool. Hold the mouse on the line, drag away and then release the mouse.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 5How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 5

Draw curves in Photoshop

Step 1: Create a new Layer similar to the one above

Step 2: Select the Pen Tool, type the Path.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 6How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 6

Step 3: Hold Shift, start and end points, you will get a straight line as follows:

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 7How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 7

Step 4: Select the 'Add Anchor Point Tool'.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 8How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 8

Step 5: Mark 1 point in the middle of the line.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 9How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 9

Step 6: Hold the mouse on the square dot, drag it as you like, you will have a curve.

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 10How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 10

Customize arbitrary curves with dot handles.

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Step 7: At this point, you have just created a curved path, not a brush stroke. To create a stroke on a path, practice the following:

  1. Pick the Brush Tool

How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 12How to draw straight lines, curves in Photoshop Picture 12

  1. Press F5 to dim the Brush custom palette, choose the type of brush and stroke size

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  1. Pick the Pen Tool, right click on the path and choose Stroke path .

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Choose Brush.

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  1. Select OK and you should have 1 curve

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Thus, showed you how to draw straight and curved lines in Photoshop. Wishing you a successful practice!

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