How to create a database in MS SQL Server

Ways to create user databases on MS SQL Server.

Database includes objects such as tables, processes, functions . In MS SQL Server there are two types of databases

  1. System database
  2. User database

System database

The system database (database) is automatically created when you install MS SQL Server. Below is a list of system databases:

  1. Master
  2. Model MSDB
  3. Tempdb
  4. Resource (available from 2005 version)
  5. Distribution (only for Relication feature)

User database

User databases are created by users themselves (administrators, developers, testers . who have access to create databases). Here are the ways to create user databases.

Method 1 : Create a database using T-SQL Script or Restore Database

This is the basic syntax for creating databases in MS SQL Server:

Create database 


Restore Database from disk = '

For example:

To create a database named Testdb, run the following query:

Create database Testdb


Restore database Testdb from disk = 'D:BackupTestdb_full_backup.bak'

Note that D: backup is where the backup file is saved and Testdb_full_backup.bak is the name of the backup file.

Method 2 : Create database using SQL Server Management Studio

Connect to the SQL Server installation and right-click the database folder. Click to create a new database and the screen below will appear.

Picture 1 of How to create a database in MS SQL Server

The screen fills in the information for the newly created database

Enter the name of the CSLD (as in the example above is Testdb) and click OK. The Testdb database will be created as shown below.

Picture 2 of How to create a database in MS SQL Server

Testdb database has been created

Previous article: Ways to log in database on MS SQL Server

Next lesson: How to select the database in MS SQL Server

Update 25 May 2019


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