How does the weekend become more meaningful?

How does your weekend become more meaningful? Please join us to refer to 13 useful things you should do on the weekend to improve your life!

  1. 12 weekend routines of successful people in the world
  2. Understanding these 5 psychological issues, your life will become happier!
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The weekend is coming! Weekend is the time you expect most after a week of hard work right? Because there are a lot of things you can do on the weekend to help yourself reduce the pressure of study, work or recharge your energy for the next week of work. Regardless of your plan, it is important to make it work for as long as possible to improve your life for a long time.

So how does your weekend become more meaningful? Let us consult 13 useful tips you should make on weekends to improve your life !

1. Do not sleep

Picture 1 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Grilling is something most of us want to do on weekends, right? However, the temptation of sleeping can affect the body's circadian rhythm . We all need good sleep but don't abuse it. Otherwise you will feel exhausted and irritable when you have to wake up on that Monday morning.

Make yourself a habit of waking up at the same time every day . Including short naps on weekends, whether it's 10 minutes or 45 minutes. Why? That's because naps can help you eliminate negative emotions, increase alertness and increase your ability to absorb.

2. Spend time with the people you love

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Reconnect with the remaining family members or close friends you've forgotten recently. Don't do it just because you feel guilty or you must do it yourself.Do it because you want to do it . Pay attention to how your loved ones are going through.

Don't just contact them when you need them . When they try to contact you while you're busy, call them back soon. Talk to them. Listen to them. Please come to them if necessary. Connecting with loved ones with simple gestures such as hugging or exposure is extremely important to your own happiness.

And if in the case - due to work or living circumstances - you don't live next to your family and don't have many friends, look for people with similar interests. Find them. Even simply drink a cup of coffee, have dinner or plan a break in the city with the whole group. Surely you will feel better and younger than you spend your time alone or immersed in loneliness.

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3. Applying the principle of 'no technology'

Picture 3 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Stay away from TVs, iPads, iPhones and any other electronic device. Unplug. Your brain needs to get rid of the stresses you've endured during the last week. Why don't you read a book? A book with paper for example. Try to remember when was the last time you did this?

4. Take the time to go out

Picture 4 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Be friends with nature . Pay close attention to its beauty. Breath the clean air. Anything, from the simplest such as walking on the beach to a long road trip. Find out about the best outdoor activities in your area on the weekends.

5. Take time for meals

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There is no need to rush because you have to attend the next meeting or complete a presentation at the end of the day. You have no plans at the end of the week. So feel the taste of what you are eating . Enjoy the meal. Simply let your mind feel comfortable, don't rush and think about what you need to do next.

See also: To be successful, do 8 things before 8 am every day!

6. Eat healthy

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Did you miss having to prepare yourself a cup of fruit juice because you always rush to make it in time? Now there's no reason. Prepare it, it only takes a few minutes.

All you need is: celery, peeled cucumber, some lettuce, kale and a pear. Put them all in the press and press the button, then turn it off. When you have enjoyed its taste, you will have the habit of drinking fruit juice on weekends.

Also, eat lots of fruits and vegetables . If you're still not interested, Kris Carr , the author of NewYork Times bestsellers and health care professionals, has some delicious and healthy recipes posted on your personal blog. .

7. Clean up your residence

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If you still have energy from last week, try to clean up your place . Can the cabinet not be closed? Papers littered everywhere? Bathroom piled up unused products? Some of these suggestions may work even though you can't arrange everything on weekends. The important thing is that you will make things better .

Look through the clothes you love. It will be easier if you want to give or donate charity money that you don't use anymore. Arrange the papers in the drawer and try to set aside a separate storage space if necessary. Then, throw away the old makeup and shower gel in the bathroom. Better yet, use a simple glass jar or woven basket placed under the sink to get more space.

8. Stop worrying too much

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Get rid of the idea of ​​' what if ' if . Don't worry about issues that you can't control like the closure of the government, the economy, the weather, or anything else. Instead, you can control yourself.

Make a list of things you are feeling anxious about and set up actions with each thing you can control. Have you recently gained weight? Plan to do something. Or are you struggling with a deadline to complete? Write down every step you must follow to complete the project.

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9. Meditation or Yoga practice

Picture 9 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

You do not need to be a meditation Buddhist. All is focused on the present moment . Meditation helps improve creative thinking, focus and find happiness in everyday life. Regular meditation practice is the best way to solve stress and increase energy. Besides, yoga is also a kind of meditation that helps you fight stress and achieve peace of mind and body.

10. Pause and focus on your own thoughts

Picture 10 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

What is the mind saying to you? What are the vibes you are feeling? Can be positive or negative, never both at the same time. If thoughts fall into a negative state, try to change the words you use in your thoughts .

Michael Losier , author of ' Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Wanted ' ( What 's The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Do want and less than what you don't want ' ) recommends that we stop using the words' no' and 'don't' to attract the things we want.
Our reaction to the words we use will change completely. For example, ' Be calm ' sounds much better than ' Don't panic ', right?

11. Smiling

Picture 11 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Laughing is the best remedy ever. You may never feel enough. Humor improves mood in many ways. It helps you cope with stress , boost your immune system and reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke , as Richard Wiseman wrote in the book '59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute '. translation: "59 seconds: Change your life less than a minute" ).

12. Express gratitude

Picture 12 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

This is what you should do every day, not just on weekends . Show gratitude to your family, friends, health, table-top food, clothes, and the roof where you live. You can be thankful for a lot of small things: a new beginning, the sun, the air you breathe or simply a baby laughing at you.

Try to avoid comparing what you have with others. It will not help you as well as others.Gratitude is the source of happiness . When you feel happy, spread that joy to everyone around you.

13. Nurture personal interests

Picture 13 of How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Whether you like taking pictures, baking, drawing, writing poetry, playing the piano or gardening, take the time for what you find interesting . You will get the necessary mental relaxation and satisfaction when pursuing interests, which will lead to a sense of satisfaction.

These are 13 things to do on weekends to help yourself have long-term positive effects on everyday life. Let's practice them and you will beat the boring Monday!

Do you have a more effective way for your weekend? Please share with us in the comment section below.

See more: If you don't feel good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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