13 things will happen when you start pursuing your dreams

If you've ever considered doing something other than working 40 hours a week to become rich, this article is for you. Here are 13 things that will happen when you start pursuing your dreams.
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If you've ever considered doing something other than working 40 hours a week to become rich, this article is for you.

' Success really exists only when we find a way to make a living we want. When you wake up in the morning, live a full day in the way you dream it is successful. When your passion and work are interlinked, when you work not because of your salary, but because you love it so much, it is a success. - Eric Dubbay

1. You will step out of your comfort zone step by step.

Step out of the safe zone. You will understand that whatever it is, comfort is always much more appreciated.

2. You will feel scared.

When you survive, things like that will no longer make you feel as scared as before.

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3. Sometimes you will feel uncertain.

When you feel unsure about something, you can do one of the following:

  1. Stop and wait for inspiration to guide you to the next logical step
  2. Or jump a leap of faith and action, knowing that even if it is a bad choice, you still exist and understand what " hell " you are doing throughout the process.

4. You will be urged for financial relief to be safer. And you will overcome it.

Ensuring work is a myth.

" Regardless of the promise of pension or contract, the fact is that there is no guarantee of work when working for others. At any time and for any reason, there is a problem. Between bosses and friends, the market changes direction, contracts expire, customers lose, account fires, business failures, then you are stuck on the path to becoming an unemployed statistician . " - Eric Dubbay

5. You will doubt your sanity.

And it is true that everyone will be the same. But try to think: what is ' sanity ' dismissing? What do you get thanks to sanity?

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6. You cannot please everyone.

People are uncomfortable with what you are doing, and unfortunately, some of them are people you care about. No problem, you just " close your mouth ", pursue your dreams without their approval. And you'll soon find yourself starting to notice new people in your life.

7. You will realize how extraordinary and resourceful you are.

When you know you can stand on your feet without the help of others - how wonderful it is!

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8. You will realize how much you have to give.

No more " crawling around " with your knees to ask for what you need, because you feel you have nothing.

9. You will start meeting other people who are chosen to pursue their dreams.

There are many wonderful people out there. It is a place for creative people. That is the place for children. That's where John Lennons, Ghandis, Oprahs, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandelas, Tony Robbins, and Abraham Lincolns roam. You are one of those!

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10. You will learn to be patient.

You will learn that the best customers, the best gigs are worth waiting for, even if you have to eat shrimp noodles and lie on the couch all year.

11. You learn to believe that basic needs are always there.

You relive your childhood, despite all the foolishness pulling you. The universe will not let you die like that.

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12. You will discover the true meaning of faith.

" Faith is the most secure of hope, and faith is something that cannot be seen ." - Hebrews 11: 1.

" Guarantee ". " Faith ". That means your dreams are there, even if you can't see, smell, touch or taste them.

13. You will wonder why you have to wait so long.

You will find yourself out of bed every morning and eagerly start your long list of jobs. You want to " burn " to contribute to the world, help people on this planet with what you do, because you like them very much. And even when it is difficult, it is better to be a slave to your pay, you will never want to come back.

See also: 10 share the key to success from the world's most successful people

Having fun!

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