High temperature plus family dust makes pneumonia worse

It is known that currently more than 3 million Britons are suffering from pneumonia and the new discovery shows that these patients live in conditions with higher temperature living, pneumonia is more severe.

It is known that currently more than 3 million Britons are suffering from pneumonia and the new discovery shows that these patients live in conditions with higher temperature living, pneumonia is more severe.

To reach this conclusion, a medical research group from the US conducted research and survey on 69 patients with severe pneumonia then proceeded to answer survey questions about millions of such as dyspnea, cough, sputum .  

Picture 1 of High temperature plus family dust makes pneumonia worse
Photo source: Internet.

The results showed that the temperature is getting hotter outside, causing their living space to heat abruptly beyond the permitted level, plus the impact and inhalation of household dust such as PM2.5 and NO2, nitrogen. Diarrhea of patients with the disease has made people with pneumonia more severe, the frequency of disease occurrence is more and more, and the number of times to use the adjuvant medication is also higher than normal compared to the days there are Ideal room temperature.

This research has just been published in Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Huynh Dung ( According to Express.co.uk)

Update 24 May 2019


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