Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high

Instructions on how to create warnings when the GPU temperature gets too high with GPU Monitor software. The trick generates an audible alarm when the temperature exceeds the allowable threshold

In the previous article I had a very detailed guide to you how to  create an alert when the laptop is about to run out of battery  , and if you have not done it, do it and go right away. I think that is a very necessary and practical job for your computer because it will directly affect the durability of the Laptop.

Also in this article I will continue to share with you a trick that is also very good and important, is to create warnings when the temperature of the GPU (graphics card) gets too high.

Note: Here I am talking about the  discrete video card  .

As you all know, the CPU and GPU are two important components in the computer and the heat level of the CPU and GPU is the most of the components in a computer.

That is why you can see that in any computer, wherever the CPU and GPU, there will be a cooling fan attached.

One more thing is that the stronger the CPU and GPU, the more heat dissipation => the hotter your computer is, if the fan does not cool these 2 components, it will lead to a decrease in the performance of the machine. calculate and even damage other components in the computer.

In addition, one of the reasons that you often encounter when using that  computer automatically restarts the computer  , the cause of this phenomenon is mainly due to the CPU or GPU overheating.

So how to know the CPU and GPU temperature is overheating? and how to solve it? all will be addressed in this tutorial.

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 1Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 1

#first. Cause the temperature of the GPU (video card) is high

  1. Because the computer gets too much dust and you are not cleaning it up.
  2. Due to the problem with the computer heatsink fan, there is not enough wind to dissipate heat for the computer.
  3. Use the computer in high temperature environments.

#2. How do I know if the GPU thermography is overheating?

It's easy, for a Laptop computer, you can touch the outer class and know immediately.

In addition, it can also happen a number of phenomena such as the computer suddenly shut down, the computer has a blue screen error, freezes, normal use is okay but when running some heavy software or games. then power off or automatically restart => generally the computer works abnormally.

Note: You should remember that the temperature of the CPU and the GPU temperature will have two different parameters, because it is two independent components.

To check the temperature of your computer's CPU you can use the HWMonitor software. The download can be downloaded and  see the instructions here  .

# 3. Instructions to create warnings when the GPU temperature is too high

Unlike chip (CPU), the GPU does not have the ability to automatically turn off if it is too hot. If you use the GPU too hot for a long time, then surely your computer will be very fast, it could be welded and spread to other components on the motherboard.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to set alerts when the GPU temperature is too high and that is necessary to ensure your computer is running smoothly and stably.

In this article I introduce you to a very compact software that is GPU monitor, with this software you can monitor the temperature of the GPU and alert by sound when its temperature exceeds the threshold. allow.

3.1. Donwload the latest GPU Monitor

  1. Link downloadLink backup / Version for Windows 7
  2. Link downloadLink backup / Version for Windows 8.1 / Windows 10

3.2. Manual GPU Monitor

Very simple, after downloading, run the file GPUMonitor.gadget as shown below. It can be double-click on the file or right-click and choose Run as adminstrator.

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 2Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 2

Click Install to run the program, immediately the interface of GPU Monitor will appear as shown below.

You can follow a lot of GPU news here, but I only care about the temperature of the GPU, so I will set the following:

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 3Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 3

Implementation: Click the Options (the icon of the wrench) as shown above => next you choose tab number 5 => tick to hide all, except for the Hide temperature string.

The purpose of this section is that we will hide it all and only to display the GPU temperature parameters only.

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 4Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 4

The next step is to set up and set an alarm threshold when the temperature exceeds the threshold set by you.

Please switch to tab 3 => you set the temperature at Set overheat temperature to, here I will set it to 60 degrees. Also, check the Play alarm sound line to set up alarm sounds.

Tips: You can see the documentation accompanying the components when buying to know the most accurate temperature.

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 5Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 5

After the setup is complete, click OK to agree with that setting. Result:

Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 6Create an audible alert when the GPU temperature gets too high Picture 6

# 4. How can I limit the GPU temperature to high?

  1. Here are some solutions to make the temperature of your GPU more stable.
  2. If your computer has exceeded the permissible temperature threshold, you should stop immediately and turn off the computer to allow the temperature to stabilize.
  3. After a period of using the computer, you should take it to the toilet and apply thermal paste to ensure the computer is always clean and healthy.
  4. Use the computer in a cool place and do not place it on a blanket, mattress . places where heat dissipation is difficult.
  5. You should buy more heat sinks for your Laptop or install a cooling fan for your PC.

Note: You should not choose to buy heatsink fans or heatsinks that source from the USB port on your computer, but instead you should choose to buy heatsink fans or heatsinks with separate sources.

Because the USB ports on our computers are not designed to power these external devices.

If you take power from the computer to power these devices, it will most likely cause a shortage of power for the Latop, or accidentally turn your laptop into a 'wire' and make them hotter than usual due to the current. Power is greater than the design run through.

#5. Conclusion

So I have very detailed instructions for you how to  create warnings when the GPU temperature is too high  already.

This article is referenced from Lang Guest's guide, I find it quite interesting and helpful, so I rewrite a tutorial and share it with you. Hope the article will be useful to you, wish you success!

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