Guide the task of playing 6 generals of the same generation in 3 Duel Arena
Here are some of the most appropriate squad options to complete the task of 6 generals in the 3 matches in the Arena of Truth.
In this list of Truth Arena, there is a quite special and a bit complicated task: "activate 6 generals and the system 3 times". If you just heard it, the player will find it a bit difficult to understand.
But the real thing that gamers need to do is match a team with 6 generals with the same clan / clan in 3 rounds to complete the mission. This requirement is a bit difficult to perform because up to 3 times in 3 different rounds is considered to complete the task.
There are a number of squads that you can apply to accomplish this mission without having to lose the battle. Here is a list of easy teams to match with the same / clan champions for you to do the task and still win the battle. Note that you only need 6 generals together to be enough.
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How to do the 6 generals in the same round 3 Truth Arena arena
Some note:
- To be counted, the 6-man squad needs to fight at least 1 round
- You need to match 6 champions with the same buff in 3 different matches to be counted.
- It is not clear whether using a Gold Shovel to exchange Race / System for a champion will count, so you should play along with 6 general buffs to ensure.
The squad is difficult to combine, hard to play and hard to strong
- Knights (6 generals): Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Sejuani, Kayle - Pair of buffalo teams + 1 main dame (Evelynn / Jinx / Draven)
- Swordsman (9 champions ): Fiora, Shen, Camille, Aatrox, Gangplank, Draven, Yasuo - Pair with Gunner for a team with long hands.
- Gunner (6 generals): Tristana, Graves, Gangplank, Lucian, Jinx, Miss Fortune - Team with Swordsman / Gladiator / Hextech team for tanker team.
The squad is the easiest to pair but not very strong
Assassin squad (9 generals): Pyke, Zed, Kha'Zix, Katarina, Evelynn, Rengar, Akali - Pair with Gladiators / Void to play.
The squad is easy to join and very strong
- Shamans (9 generals): Kassadin, Ahri, Twisted Fate, Lulu, Morgana, Veigar, Aurelion Sol, Karthus - Pair with Gladiator / Dragon to tank for the team.
- Gladiators (6 generals): Rek'Sai, Warwick, Blitzcrank, Volibear, Vi, Cho'Gath - Pair with Draven or Jinx to carry the main damage for the team.
The squad is difficult to pair but very strong
- Transfiguration (6 generals): Nidalee, Elise, Jayce, Shyvana, Gnar, Swain - Pair of Dragons or Demons carrying the main damage.
- Devil (6 generals): Varus, Elise, Aatrox, Evelynn, Morgana, Brand, Swain - Pair of Knights or Swordsmen to add main tankers and dame.
- Nobility (6 generals): Fiora, Vayne, Garen, Lucian, Liona, Kayle - Pair with Guard / Jinx or Draven to add main tanker and dame.
- Ice Tribe (6 generals): Lissandra, Volibear, Braum, Ashe, Sejuani, Anivia - Pair with Archers with Demon Tribe.
Specific options are available, now select the most appropriate squad to complete the task and get points from the Beta Pass and redeem rewards.
You should read it
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