21 psychological tricks to help you read anyone's taste
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Maybe you will ask yourself how things will become if you can read the minds of others. Some people use their intuition to do this. But if you don't feel it that way, there's only one option left: Learn to read the body language .
Body language is one of the important areas in psychology. It is a common practice that helps us gain more than 55% of information through nonverbal communication. Allan Pease , an Australian body language expert, wrote about this. Based on human actions, gestures, and habits, you will know what your partner is thinking and wants.
Only through very simple actions, you can understand the psychology and the words of the opponent. Please refer to 21 psychological tips that help you read anyone's taste - something that we often don't pay attention to every day.
1. Close your eyes
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If someone is talking to you and closing your eyes, it proves that they are trying to escape from the outside world. Remember, that doesn't mean they are afraid of you.
On the contrary, they may want to get rid of you because they are tired of you. And if they close their eyes, they don't want to see you anymore.
2. Hand over your mouth
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This is a familiar act that we are often reminded of when we were young and until it grew still had the same meaning. Do you remember that covering your mouth is an act of showing you don't want to say anything? Therefore, if someone does it to you, it means they don't want to say something to you .
When someone hands a few fingers, or even a hand, even holding a hand close to their mouth, it helps the other person avoid saying words that they don't want to say. This gesture can be disguised by pretending to cough.
3. Bite the frame
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If someone is biting their glasses, try to support or encourage them. Certainly in their minds they were worried about something. They are trying to create a sense of security for themselves.
Besides, pencils, pens, cigarettes and even chewing gum in the mouth can also represent this feeling of anxiety.
4. Place your chin on your hands and look straight
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In general, this gesture is used to attract the opposite sex . When someone places their chin on their hands and looks directly, they are trying to emphasize their existence with the person sitting opposite. Men remember this point so they can praise girls when they act on it!
5. Rub your chin
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This is an action that people often take when they are trying to make a decision. They can look down, look up, look to the side . or anywhere. They may not even know what they are looking at because they are concentrating.
6. Cross-arm
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This is one of the very familiar actions. When someone does this, they are feeling uncomfortable, want to separate themselves from others. Cross-arm is a signal of the negative attitude of the opponent in the conversation.
7. Hold your hands together
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Do you agree that this position helps you to be more open? When a woman wants to attract an opponent, they will try to express themselves best in front of the person. She will do some movements like sitting upright to highlight her chest or maybe cross her legs. Two hands forward, intertwined are signs of attention and interest in someone.
8. Tilt the person forward
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When someone likes you and wants to connect with you, they often lean forward. Maybe their legs are still in place, but the body will move intuitively.
9. Turn sideways
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If someone turned sideways or leaned back in a chair, proving that they are feeling depressed, do not want to continue the conversation. Maybe they are feeling uncomfortable with someone's appearance.
10. Lift up your toes
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Not only children have this action. If someone is lifting up their toes, they are feeling anxious about something. You should take note!
11. Rub your hands together
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When someone rubs their hands together, they are thinking and feeling positive about it. They are hoping for good things and thinking about future benefits.
12. Shaking hands
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If when shaking hands, the opponent holds your hand with both hands, meaning they are saying you can trust them.
13. Put your hand on the opponent's handle
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Placing your hands on someone's grip shows sympathy and sharing. But this is only true when the enemy acts immediately. However, if you have been holding hands for a while, then when the opponent puts their hands on them to show they want to inform you, you will be responsible here.
14. Hold someone's hand from below
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If someone grabbed your hand from below, they meant they were ready to help you.
15. Hand touching elbow
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When someone touches an opponent's forearm, elbow or back, they are looking to connect more with you.
16. Pull the tie
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This action depends on the situation. If this action occurs when another woman is present, he is interested in her. However, this gesture can also show discomfort. Perhaps the opponent is lying and just wants to leave immediately.
17. Trick something on your shirt
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This is a moving gesture. People often use this action to show that they disagree about something. In other words, they do not clearly express their views but they certainly do not agree with that.
18. Put your feet on the table
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This action can describe many things: rudeness, disrespect, arrogance or simply that he wants to make himself more comfortable. However, even if you feel like sitting like that will help you relax, you should only do so when you're at home!
19. Sitting hugging the back of a chair
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Chair, not a horse. Sitting back and hugging the back of the chair like a shield shows many other purposes. Many people feel uncomfortable by people who sit like this.
Often the head or the way to sit like this. It will make others feel threatened. If you don't want to be weak, stand up when they sit like that.
20. Swing shoes
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Crossing your legs is one of the sexiest ways of sitting in the ladies. If a woman is swinging her shoes, they want to draw your attention to their feet. This gesture shows that woman is quite calm and comfortable. This is also a " green light " action for men.
21. Communicate with eyes
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The eyes are the windows of the soul and also a great means to communicate. You can read all one person's emotions through their eyes. The lovers often look at each other passionately and wait in unconscious to see what the opponent does to push away the relationship. It is very easy to recognize this because at that time, the pupil will be 4 times larger than normal. On the other hand, if the opponent is angry, their eyes will be narrowed due to their pupils shrinking.
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- 26 interesting facts about human psychology that you never knew
- Try these 13 psychological tricks to easily communicate with people
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