Get the free Lisa OS source code - Apple's first operating system

Apple is reevaluating before making the source code of this famous operating system.

If you are curious to see how the original Apple operating system called Lisa works, the opportunity is about to reach. Al Kossow, software creator (software curator) for the Compurter History Museum, said Lisa's source code and user interface have been restored and are being reevaluated by Apple before being released, according to plans. 2018.

The first Lisa computer, named after Steve Jobs's eldest daughter, debuted in 1983 and is generally considered a failure. Normal users find it difficult to choose Lisa because at that time, its price was $ 10,000. However, it has an important role because it laid the foundation for macOS that we are familiar with today.

Picture 1 of Get the free Lisa OS source code - Apple's first operating system

Now only a historical record, Lisa OS is an important milestone in computer OS history

Jobs came up with the idea of ​​Lisa OS after looking at the mouse-supported interface image when visiting Xerox PARC. From what he saw, he created his own version - Lisa operating system with GUI, mouse support and file system. Although Lisa's computer was not as popular as Jobs expected, it marked an important milestone for many of today's OSs.

The emulator tools to run Lisa OS have been around for a while, but those who want to discover the source code of this OS will have to wait a while longer. Kossow also said that the only thing not released is the American Heritage Dictionary for spell checking on LisaWrite. Anyway, it's free to get the source code of such a historic OS, no spell checker is too important.

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Update 24 May 2019


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