Find out how to change the taste of a cup of lemonade over the Internet

A group of Singaporean scientists has created a system that allows users to send a drink over the Internet to other people, in particular, lemon juice.

A group of Singaporean scientists has created a system that allows users to send a drink over the Internet to other people, in particular, lemon juice.

Nimesha Ranasinghe and colleagues used color and acid sensors to record the color and pH of a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice and then send the collected data over the Internet to the recipient's digital cup.

The digitized cup on the receiver's side is filled with water, attaching sensors and LEDs to recreate the pale yellow color of lemonade. When the recipient drinks the water from the digital cup, an electrode stimulates the taste of the person and simulates the sour taste of lemon juice as information is sent.

Volunteers, after tasting "virtual" lemonade, still have no real feeling, but finding out how to send the taste of lemon juice over the Internet by Singaporean scientists this time is still thought to be very close to reality. sacrifice. They believe that if you continue to develop this system completely, this technology can convey the "real" taste of lemon juice, even other drinks.

Currently, the team is developing a remote simulation of a perfect virtual cocktail full of real flavors, colors and smells.

Scientists hope, this technology will allow people to abstain from certain beverages, such as soft drinks, to enjoy them in the virtual world without affecting their health.

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Update 24 May 2019


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