How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key

Excel is an important and indispensable tool in the work process. However, editing data or deleting rows and columns in Excel can be quite complicated for some new users. Therefore, to help make work more efficient, we will introduce to readers how to delete rows and columns in Excel using the mouse or keys in detail in the article below.

Deleting rows and columns in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003 is actually very simple and the way to do it is absolutely no different from deleting a column row in Word, removing it from the table you are editing.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key

If you don't have Excel, you can choose Office versions to install on your computer. You can also install both Office suites on the same computer at the same time. If you don't know, please refer to how to install 2 Office suites on the same computer  without system conflicts.

1. How to delete rows and columns in Excel with the mouse

Suppose we have a list with a total of 6 series of numbers including the Code column in order from A to K, now let's join TipsMake to delete rows and columns in Excel.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 1How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 1

Step 1: This is the basic way to delete rows and columns in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003. To delete the previous row, just click on the column number and right-click . A Menu will appear, select Delete to delete. In the TipsMake line, try deleting the row with the letter B.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 2How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 2

Step 2: View the results and you will see that now there is no longer a Code B column with related values. Deleting rows in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003 is complete.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 3How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 3

Step 3: Similarly, we proceed to delete columns in Excel with the example of deleting column C (ie row 3) in the table by doing the above.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 4How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 4

- Then you look again and you will see that a column containing the number 3 is missing. With the above method, we have deleted rows and columns in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003 super quickly and simply.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 5How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 5

2. How to delete rows and columns in Excel using the delete key

Step 1: With this method, we will delete rows and columns in Excel by pressing the Delete key , but you must remember that this deletion only deletes all data of that row and column and does not make them disappear like the above method. In this example, TipsMake tries to delete the C code row with the Delete key.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 6How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 6

Step 2: After deleting the row, try deleting column E ( row number 4) using the delete key in the same way.

Note: You will not be able to delete columns or rows by value type this way if a certain object is related to many other rows and columns.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 7How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 7

3. How to delete rows and columns in Excel using keyboard shortcuts

To delete rows and columns in Excel using keyboard shortcuts, just highlight the rows and columns and  press the key combination Ctrl + "-"  . To add rows and columns in Excel,  hold Ctrl + Shift and press + to add . This is the fastest way to help you delete rows and columns in Excel or add them.

How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 8How to delete rows and columns in Excel with mouse or key Picture 8

That's how to delete rows and columns in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003 with the mouse or hotkey that we want to introduce to you in this article. This method is much faster than deleting each cell one by one that you usually do. In addition, we also guide how to delete links in Excel. Or if you want to add or insert rows into an Excel table, you can do it easily.

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