- Ctrl + N : Create new text.
- Ctrl + O : Open a new document that was previously edited.
- Ctrl + S : Save edited text.
- Ctrl + C : Copy text.
- Ctrl + X : Cut any content in the text.
- Ctrl + V: Paste text.
- Ctrl + F : Search for words/phrases or text.
- Ctrl + H : Replace function, replace one word/phrase with another word/phrase.
- Ctrl + P : Print text.
- Ctrl + Z : Return to the text state before making the last edit.
- Ctrl + Y : Restore the text state before using the Ctrl+Z command .
- Ctrl + F4, Ctrl + W, Alt + F4 : Close the document.
Shortcuts in Word, Microsoft Word hotkeys that you need to know Picture 1
- Move, select paragraph
+ Shift + –> : Move the mouse cursor to the following character.
+ Shift + -> : Move the mouse cursor to the previous character.
+ Ctrl + Shift + –> : Move the mouse cursor to one word behind.
+ Ctrl + Shift + <> : Move the mouse cursor to the previous word.
+ Shift + (up arrow) : Move the mouse cursor to the upper row
+ Shift + (down arrow) : Move the mouse cursor to the lower row.
+ up arrow Ctrl + A : Select entire text.
- Delete text or an object
+ Backspace : Delete a previous character.
+ Ctrl + Backspace : Delete the previous character.
+ Delete : Delete the character behind the mouse cursor or an object.
+ Ctrl + Delete: Delete a word right behind the mouse cursor.
- Move text
+ Ctrl + Any arrow key : Move back and forth between characters.
+ Ctrl + Home : Move the mouse to the beginning of the text
+ Ctrl + End : Move the mouse cursor to the last position in the text
+ Ctrl + Shift + Home : Move the mouse from the current position to the beginning of the text .
+ Ctrl + Shift + End : Move the mouse from the current position to the end of the text.
- Format text
+ Ctrl + B : Bold.
+ Ctrl + D : Open the font change dialog box.
+ Ctrl + I : Italicize.
+ Ctrl + U : Underline.
- Align text
+ Ctrl + E : Align the selected text at the center.
+ Ctrl + J : Align text evenly.
+ Ctrl + L : Left align text.
+ Ctrl + R : Right align the text.
+ Ctrl + M : Move the beginning of the line of text.
+ Ctrl + Shift + M : Delete formatting Ctrl + M
+ Ctrl + T : Move the text back 2 lines or more.
+ Ctrl + Shift + T : Delete formatting Ctrl + T.
+ Ctrl + Q : Delete text alignment formatting
- Ctrl + Shift + C : Copy the paragraph whose format needs to be copied.
- Ctrl + Shift + V : Paste the copied format into the currently selected data area.
- Ctrl + Shift + = : Create an exponent, for example H 2
- Ctrl + = : Create an exponent below (usually used for chemical symbols), for example H 2 O
- Tab : Move and select the content of the next table cell or create a new line if you are in the last cell in the table.
- Shift + Tab : Move the mouse cursor to the content of the adjacent cell.
- Shift + arrow keys : Select the content of the cell immediately adjacent to the currently selected position.
- Ctrl + Shift + F8 + Arrow keys : Expand the selection according to each table cell.
- Shift + F8 : Reduce the size of the selection by cell.
- Ctrl + 5 (when the Num Lock light is off) : Select the content of the entire table cell.
- Alt + Home : Go to the first cell of the table
- Alt + End : Go to the last cell of the current line.
- Alt + Page up : Return to the first table cell of the column.
- Alt + Page down : Return to the last table cell of the column.
- Up arrow : Move the mouse pointer up one line
- Down arrow : Move the mouse pointer down one line.
Conclusion : Above are the keyboard shortcuts in Word that represent each function available in Microsoft Word for you to refer to and apply in your working process.
In this article, TipsMake summarizes and shares shortcuts in Word such as Home, End, Enter, Tab. Through that, you can use Microsoft Word hotkeys to help work with Word and Excel effectively. Effective, best time saver. In addition, you can also create Word shortcuts to make it easier to work with repetitive paragraphs. If you don't know how to abbreviate in Word , please follow the article below here.
Word or excel are popular software so try to remember these shortcuts well to help you operate very quickly with these tools, most useful for those who often have to work with word and excel.
For more details, you can refer to the bold shortcut when editing Word to save your typing time. And in addition, for those who are new to Word, you can take a look at how to change units from inches to centimeters in word documents. Changing inch units to centimeters in Word or other units is also very important and you should know.