Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Let us find out 8 absolute things never let others lend the painting to the body!

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Most of us only know that you should never lend combs or toothbrushes to others?However, there are actually many other personal items that we sometimes share with others but really shouldn't.

Today we put together a list of items that should not be more than one user. In addition, we will tell you how to keep them clean and in the best possible condition.Let us find out 8 absolute things never let others lend the painting to the body !

1. Lipstick or lip gloss

Picture 1 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Lipstick is a must-have item for many girls. Your friend may have forgotten makeup at home. Surely giving her a lipstick is absolutely simple, isn't it? But in fact you should not do this. Diseases like herpes easily spread through ' sugar ' lipstick or lip gloss. Even if the affected person does not have hives, the virus may still be present in the lining of the mouth and saliva. Currently, there is no 100% effective treatment for this disease.

If the above symptoms appear, stop using the lipstick that has been contaminated . After blistering, you should buy a new make-up kit to prevent it from coming back. To avoid accumulation of dirt and bacteria, use clean paper to remove the top layer of lipstick.

2. Headphones

Picture 2 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Everyone has a unique bacterial flora balance in their ears.Whenever you intend to share headphones with friends, you risk losing this balance and can cause ear infections.

You can remove the ear canal from the surface of the headset by using a stick or swab and dipping into hydrogen peroxide. Avoid using too much liquid to not damage the speaker. Moreover, pads can be sterilized by placing them in alcoholic solution. In frequent use cases, be sure to clean the headset at least once a week.

3. Hairpin and hair curler

Picture 3 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Most people know that it is not advisable to lend to others. Therefore, hair clips, hair curlers and all hair accessories that are exposed to the scalp should not be lent . Because mushrooms and lice can easily spread through these devices.

Installing hair and metal pieces can be washed with soapy water regularly , depending on how often you use it. Be sure to dry them immediately afterwards.

4. Deodorant roll

Picture 4 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Even with deodorants with antibacterial properties, skin contact surfaces may contain bacteria. Finally, those are the bacteria that cause the smell of sweat we are trying to neutralize.

It is best to use a deodorant roller immediately after bathing, when the skin is still clean . If used at times of the day, first wipe them with a damp cloth.

5. Towels

Picture 5 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

The main function of towels is to absorb the maximum amount of liquid from the body surface. That is why, even if you are completely healthy, the increased moisture in the bathroom will gradually turn your wet cloth into a perfect breeding environment for mold, bacteria and fungi .

Hygiene experts recommend changing towels every 3-4 days. It is best to dry the towels to the balcony, avoid leaving them in the bathroom.Leave the towel dry after each use .

6. Manicure and cosmetic accessories

Picture 6 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Tweezers, manicure tools, razors and other accessories should only be used by you alone . If used together, you can get herpes and fungal infections. So don't do that!

Also, after each use, wipe the surface of the accessory with alcohol.

7. Skin care accessories

Picture 7 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

Skin care accessories may sound easy to clean. However, over time, their hair and skin accumulate in small parts containing bacteria.This can cause acne and irregular facial skin .

Don't forget to wash the accessories carefully with soapy water after each use. Besides, they should also be changed every 2-3 months.

8. Indoor shoes

Picture 8 of Do not fool other people to borrow these 8 things, do not pick up the painting on your body!

You should buy one or two pairs of slippers in the room when there are guests. Because when wearing shoes, your feet will definitely sweat, creating perfect breeding conditions for mushrooms. Therefore, avoid wearing sandals when wet feet to prevent the occurrence of fungi and bacteria .

It is best to change slippers every 6 months, even couples that we love so much should not take too long. Clean your slippers with detergents like vinegar.

See also: 3 simple ways to effectively prevent dengue

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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