Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health?

Personal hygiene is an essential issue for everyone, proper personal hygiene not only helps you feel clean and comfortable after a hard day's work, but it also helps your body always healthy. How hygiene is properly and scientifically. The 9 tips below will help you solve this problem.

Normal personal hygiene, we have been educated since childhood, from bathing, brushing teeth to washing hair . those things are maintained until adulthood.

So how is personal hygiene true and scientific? Here are 9 most useful scientific tips, to help you maintain good personal hygiene.

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 1Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 1

1. Is it good to wash your hair every few days?

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In each area, people have different sebaceous glands, so the secretion of sebum on the skin produces a different oil on the scalp, some people have very dry scalp, and the scalp is very oily. Make your hair fast and sticky to make you feel uncomfortable and lose confidence before the other person. So washing your hair is the best way to remove oil from your scalp to help you feel dry, but washing your hair too much makes your scalp more oily.

How long does it take to wash your hair once? Experts recommend that washing your hair is not necessary every day. Should you wash your hair more or less depending on a variety of factors, such as what type of skin you own, how your hair is, you have a chemical style every day, often exposed to dirt or not. , . The best way to protect the scalp and cleanse the oil is that you should wash your hair 1-2 times a week to make your hair healthy.

2. Brush your teeth several times a day?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 3Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 3

As in article 7, what you need to know about dental care, every day you only need to spend 4 minutes to brush your teeth, divide it into 2 times, regularly visit a dentist every 6 months to be sure that you will have a strong and healthy teeth at the present and old age.

However, you should note , do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods such as carbonated soft drinks, fruits, especially orange or lemon juice, vinegar, energy drinks . Food acids will weaken and erode tooth enamel, so wait 30 minutes when you eat these foods to allow the saliva to mix with the acid in your mouth and then you can brush your teeth best. Make sure to visit your dentist to find out if you need work done such as getting dental implants based in Maywood.

3. When should deodorant roll be used?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 4Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 4

How often do you use deodorant rollers? Scientists think the best time to use deodorant is the night before going to bed. You would think that this period of inactivity needs to use a deodorant roller, but in fact shows that when using deodorant roller in the morning, sweat glands are active and have escaped, so when you Using deodorant roller they will be washed away, so before going to bed , the skin of your arm under your armpit is at its dryest, allowing the antiperspirant to close the path.

4. How often should you take a bath?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 5Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 5

Cleaning and bathing make us feel clean and fragrant. Summer is a hot time that makes you uncomfortable and want to bathe continuously, but dermatologists recommend that once every 2 to 3 days is the best. But if you work a lot every day like playing sports or doing manual work, you can increase the frequency of bathing.

What time is a good bath for health? Light or dark? This answer depends on many factors. But if you have an oily skin, the best bath time is in the evening.

5. Dental floss should be used to get food from your teeth

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 6Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 6

The American Dental Association recommends that you only floss once a day so you can get food from your teeth. The US government has also recommended this for four decades.

But last August, a scientific report pointed out that the effectiveness of dental floss had never been studied before. So far there is no scientific evidence that says you should use dental floss. So perhaps that is not necessary.

6. Should regular mouthwash be used?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 7Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 7

The use of mouthwash containing fluoride helps you to have clean teeth that remove plaque and prevent tooth decay. However, you should not overdo mouthwash , it should only be considered as an alternative when you do not have time to brush your teeth because the mouthwash has bactericidal effect but does not remove food. pinch into the teeth. The food in the teeth will be decomposed by bacteria and cause bad breath and create conditions for plaque formation, leading to inflammation around the teeth, gingivitis and tooth decay.

Note , after brushing your teeth, you should not use mouthwash right after.

7. How often should you cut your nails?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 8Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 8

Cut nails depends on you, many of you want to keep long nails. But on average, the best time to nail is between one and two weeks to keep your nails clean. Cut your nails when you start feeling they are entangled. Nails and toenails work to protect you from injury. Therefore, pay attention to taking care of them.

8. How long does the eyeglasses wipe once?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 9Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 9

Depending on the working environment and how to use the glass, you will have a reasonable time to clean. Basically, the glass is clean to give a good view, so you should wipe it every time you feel unclean.

One note is to absolutely not use the flap of the shirt to clean the glass, because the clothes are usually clogged with dirt, and they will also scratch the glass very quickly. The best way to clean the glass is to rinse the water first and then wipe it. Because when the glasses are dirty and dirty, if you wipe them right away, the dirt will rub off the glasses.

Absolutely do not use dishwashing liquid, soap, soap . because these substances will fly away the coating of lenses. Note when cleaning, you need to use a special glass cloth or a good paper towel (soft, smooth, tough, with high water permeability).

9. How often should you change the razor?

Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 10Do you have the correct personal hygiene to ensure health? Picture 10

Changing the strawberry razor depends directly on your process and usage. When the razor is no longer sharp, it's best to replace the new razor. The best way to maintain the sharpness of the blade is after using it, you should rinse the knife with hot water, allowing it to dry for a long time.

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