Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States

Please take a look at the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States below!

Inside the four harsh walls of the most secure prison in the United States, a fork can also be considered a powerful weapon. On the other hand, inside the four harsh walls of the prison in Norway, the fork is only a device used in meals. Therefore, the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States is huge. While prisons in the US use methods to isolate prisoners from society, Norway makes prisoners feel they are living outside the world - not in prison.

No two prisons have the distinct differences of American federal supermax prisons, known as the United States Amnesty , Maximum Administrative Administration ( ADX ) in Florence, Colorado and Halden Prison in Halden, Norway ( the place where serious criminals such as murder or rape are held, but this second and most secure large prison in Norway is like a luxurious summer camp ).

Picture 1 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Halden Prison.Photo source: Amnesty International

Of course, not all prisons in the US are as strictly regulated as the ADX , while Halden Prison is home to the maximum security techniques but it is still closer to the rules than is the case. exception in Norway. Please take a look at the differences between the two extremes below!

Open since 2010, Halden Prison is considered the world's most humane prison, although it is considered the "most fortress" in Norway.

Picture 2 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: YouTube / John Stark

Halden Prison, designed by architect Erik Møller, aims to provide a natural surroundings. Prisoners are entitled to close to the windows to see the trees around it.

Picture 3 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Erik Møller Architects

According to US standards, the inside of this prison is not much different from the average prison. The doors are made of wood with handles and windows, not metal doors that have only a small amount of light inside.

Picture 4 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

This dungeon place is no different from a college student's bedroom, this is the residence of a life imprisonment.

Picture 5 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Trond Isaksen / Statsbygg

The philosophy of the prison: " Allowing people, even the most dangerous offenders, to feel human and behave like a resident rather than behave like criminals ."

Picture 6 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: STR New / Reuters

In addition, prisoners in the prison are also able to cook and eat together with real silver utensils. They can also buy fresh fruits from the supervisors and attend pottery training classes.

Picture 7 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: YouTube / John Stark

The studio allows inmates to interact, play video games or watch DVDs selected by the guards.

Picture 8 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: YouTube / John Stark

Moreover, prisoners are also allowed to play in the gym with two basketball and indoor climbing courses.

Picture 9 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Trond Isaksen / Statsbygg

In Halden, prisoners can do the same jobs as low-security prisons in the United States, where dangerous equipment can be used. In addition, they have developed skills such as visiting prison studios.

Picture 10 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: YouTube / John Stark

For prisoners following certain religions, the prison also creates a space for them to come here to pray, even invite missionaries to guide the prayers - these are two rare things. in prisons with top secret security systems.

Picture 11 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: STR New / Reuters

More than 4,700 miles away was Florence Prison, a super prison was opened in 1994 and is considered the home of the most dangerous prisoners in the United States.

Picture 12 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Google Maps

Model of a standard cell of Florence ADX

Picture 13 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

The cells are quite far apart. Due to tight security, prisoners will try to communicate through drainage pipes or by using sign language through the tiny windows they get.

Picture 14 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Amnesty International

In contrast, prisoners in the Solitary Housing Unit (SHU) cannot contact other prisoners. Every day, they spent 23 hours alone living in an empty room.

Picture 15 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Amnesty International

Prisoners must sleep on concrete blocks and hardly have access to natural light. The harsh conditions created the nickname "Alcatraz of the Rockies" for this prison.

Picture 16 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Amnesty International

However, some other prisoners have the opportunity to exercise in iron cages 2 hours a day and 5 times a week, but of course there are conditions attached. These prisoners must be on the list of those assessed as having progressed in detention.

Picture 17 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Amnesty International

The prisoners were also contacted by relatives and friends by phone separated by a glass layer.

Picture 18 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Amnesty International

In early 2017, the prison had 442 prisoners. Most of them have to face life sentences and certainly one thing that they will never touch the fork, control the TV and the comfortable mattress again.

Picture 19 of Discover the difference between the most secure prison in Norway and the United States
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

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Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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