Detection of 3000-year-old fire traces suspected of flattening flames for 2-3 hours

About 3000 years ago, a fire that lasted for 2-3 hours was able to flatten and burn down the eastern cities of Tel Megiddo, Israel, leaving many ancient burnt ruins that left the investigators amazingly ancient.

About 3000 years ago , a fire that lasted for 2-3 hours was able to flatten and burn down the eastern cities of Tel Megiddo, Israel, leaving many ancient burnt ruins that left the investigators amazingly ancient.

According to new findings, archaeologists at the Jerusalem Archaeological Research Institute WF said they found many burnt mud bricks appearing in this historic fire and that the material could account for 90%. Ancient city construction materials in the past.

Picture 1 of Detection of 3000-year-old fire traces suspected of flattening flames for 2-3 hours
 Photo source: Internet.

Shahack-Gross, an archaeologist, said that when conducting the study, he and his team thought that these mud bricks could be from stone, soil, mixed with straw, rice husk and some water. The mixture is then put into the mold, then put into the furnace. In general, this ancient brick making method is no different from traditional traditional brick making methods found in other ancient construction cultures.

" When analyzing stone samples, it can be seen that these fired bricks can be burned at 600 degrees Celsius, the fire lasts about 2-3 hours and the materials such as wooden beams, furniture , foot mats, food reserves, reserve oil, beds are the trigger for the spread of fast spreading fire and the entire city burned for hours ". - Harrison said in a statement.

Huynh Dung ( According to Livescience )

Update 24 May 2019


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