Cuddling with cats can cause brain swelling, heart infection

The article is like a warning for people who have a habit of loving and being close to pets, especially cats.

The article is like a warning for people who have a habit of loving and being close to pets, especially cats.

According to a recent warning issued by the CDC's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, new warnings show that owners who have a habit of kissing, hugging, cuddling and pet cat are at high risk of death because may have a heart infection or swelling of the brain. These are two extremely dangerous symptoms of death.

The analytical center, cats can be completely life-threatening to you in the following way: Just a scratch or scratch, or even lick the wounds, scratches on your flesh a very high risk they carry an extremely toxic virus called Capnocytophaga canimorsus that exists in cats' claws and mouths. This virus will invade your flesh through scratches, open wounds and cause a number of chronic human diseases that can be followed by brain swelling, heart infection with symptoms of acute headache and fever. tired.

Picture 1 of Cuddling with cats can cause brain swelling, heart infection
Photo source: Internet.

'The center now calls for people to not kiss their pets, limit their affection and wash their hands, feet and skin after contacting them .' - Christina Nelson of CDC said in a statement.

A new sideline report shows that from 2005-2013, up to 12,000 people are infected each year from contact with cats, of which 500 people are always in critical condition to receive special care from diseases institute. And most of these patients suffer from a weakened immune system after a lot of contact with cats, which has the potential to be a very dangerous bacterium that is most common in children.

Huynh Dung ( According to Newkerala)

Update 24 May 2019


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