As a busy person, apply 11 ways below to have time to read

Here are a list of 11 best tips for reading for busy people. Invite you to consult!

There are a lot of busy people on our planet, but they are also the most eager to read. Reading every day triggers creativity, helping us increase our understanding of complex issues and comprehensive intellectual development. Meanwhile, reading is also a very relaxing activity. So how do we have time to read books when we're busy all the time?

In recent reports, we humans are reading less and less. A 2004 study found that the average number of books read in the US each year is 12, while the average number of books per reader is only 5 books per year. If you want to " beat " this sad statistic, increase the number of reading books each year and have more time to read, read on to this article.

Picture 1 of As a busy person, apply 11 ways below to have time to read

In the year I completed my PhD thesis, I traveled all over the world, attending seminars in every continent of the world to present my research ( except Antarctica ), I added 69 more. book into your GoodReads account. Many people wonder where I get the time to read so many books while I'm having a busy year. To help increase the number of reading books every year, I have compiled 11 best tips on reading for busy people.

1. Borrow more books than you can read

If you like to borrow books from the library, borrow more than you think you can read. Having piled up books in your home - which you know will have to return - encourages you to read more than you originally planned.

If you like to read digital books, make sure you have downloaded a whole book of books to your reader so that there are always many choices right at your fingertips, making you anxious to read.

2. Read several books at the same time

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Many people like to read each book one by one, but others benefit from reading multiple books at once. Some books are suitable for night reading ( for example , novels ), while others, such as practical analysis, may be more appropriate to read while traveling by public transport.

I have some books read on the small table in the room, as well as a novel and at least one non-fiction book is reading in the machine. With books about self-development, you should extend the reading for a long time to have the opportunity to follow the advice in the book.

3. Set goals for each reading period

If you're not in the habit of reading a whole bunch of words at once, set a goal to read for each stage. For example, you can challenge yourself to read 50 pages before dropping the book aside, or ending the chapter before moving on to the next job. Each re-reading puts a higher goal. Reading a little more each day will help you increase the number of books you read every year compared to before.

4. Ignore what you "should" read

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Whether you can find inspiration in the list of the best books, read for yourself. Read for your own love and understanding. Don't put pressure on yourself to read what the world says you have to read because it won't get you anywhere. If you read at your own pleasure and pleasure, you will find yourself spending more time reading it because of the interesting book or subject.

5. Practice reading fast

This trick is simple: if you want to read more books in a short time, you can train yourself to read quickly. There are different techniques for quick reading that you can train yourself. These techniques include grouping words instead of reading each word, making your eyes move faster by moving a ruler or pen on a page, or holding your breath and trying to complete a paragraph during that time. (This technique eliminates secondary pronunciation, which tends to " hear " the words we read in our heads).

6. Read digital books on all mobile devices

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If you read digital books, make sure you have a reading application on mobile devices that you can read whenever you have free time. My reading machine books are synchronized with smartphones and tablets, I can read while waiting in line at the bank, when the workers clean the office, or when I take a break in the middle of the day. Having a book synced on all devices will help you read a few pages here and there throughout the day. By doing so, when you check the reader at the end of the day, you will find yourself easily reading 20 pages in small journals.

7. Read before going to bed

Reading a novel or non-fiction or in the evening before bed is a proven relaxation method, leaving a busy day behind and preparing yourself for a good night's sleep. Like that, you can practice the habit of reading a few pages in the morning, or reading a chapter after lunch while digesting food and getting ready for an effective shift in the afternoon.

8. Join people like you

Finding people in the community or online is reading the same book as you. Keeping track of discussions and their opinions while reading will help you improve. Surely you don't want to be the one who missed the chapter last week?

9. Track the reading process online

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Many websites can be used to track the reading process throughout the year; My favorite site is GoodReads. An online account that outlines the books you are reading and how far to read, will help you focus on reading more. In addition, you can follow the books you want to read later and add reviews about the books you have read. Many pages also recommend other books based on books you have read and liked.

10. Stop reading random news reports

If you want to spend more time reading, you'll have to cut off the time of other activities to free up time spent reading. One of the methods you can follow is to reduce the number of random articles shared on social networks you regularly read, using this time to read more in-depth analysis of the book you're reading. .

Picture 6 of As a busy person, apply 11 ways below to have time to read

11. Join a reading competition

Just like the third point, you can join the reading contest and set a goal for the number of books you will read in a given year. To really challenge yourself, set a slightly higher limit than you think you can. Setting yourself up for a specific challenge will help yourself to be responsible and promote your goals. Surely you will be surprised how much you can read in that year.

Author: Eva Lantsoght

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Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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