Apple, Google and Netflix do not require employees to have a university degree, will this become the norm in the future?

Many of the most popular companies in the US do not require college degrees for certain jobs.

To enter the world's leading technology companies such as Apple, Google, and Netflix, many American students believe that a university degree is required. That means they will have to spend a lot of time in the auditorium for four years and will not be able to get loans to pay tuition fees.

However, this is not always true. The proof is that many of the most popular companies in the US don't require college degrees for certain jobs.

Picture 1 of Apple, Google and Netflix do not require employees to have a university degree, will this become the norm in the future?

The need for a college degree has been questioned by famous "bosses" like Apple CEO Tim Cook and US Siemens CEO Barbara Humpton. Recently, Apple CEO also revealed that last year, about half of Apple employees in the US did not have a university degree. The reason is that many students with university degrees are not trained in work skills, such as code, for example, what company leaders need in their workforce.

If you think that having a college degree will help ensure a stable career in the future, you're wrong. Humpton said that when recruiting employers will require a university degree but in fact that is a way for them to classify candidates and gather a small group of qualified candidates, nothing in the job. That requires a college degree.

Picture 2 of Apple, Google and Netflix do not require employees to have a university degree, will this become the norm in the future?

Currently, many employees of well-known companies such as Google and Apple do not have a university degree. This shows that these companies need the employees with the skills needed to get the job done, rather than value the qualifications.

According to LinkedIn's analysis, undergraduates can take on specific jobs such as mechanical designers, electronics technicians and marketing representatives.

However, a college degree still gives you certain advantages. For example, according to a recent report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employees with at least a bachelor's degree earn $ 932 more than the average weekly income of all employees in 2018. .

However, to get a college degree, many students have to carry large debts, beyond the affordability of many Americans. According to the US Department of Education, the number of high school students going on to college or university is only 42%. Of course, even if you have a college degree, not everyone can do the job in accordance with the major studied or jobs that require a university degree.

In the future, a quarter of the workforce will be replaced by automation. Therefore, students need to equip themselves with the skills necessary for the job from the time they are sitting on the school chair to better prepare for the future.

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Update 01 November 2019


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