Apple gives employees indefinite leave of absence, still receiving their normal pay

It is true that large companies also have special incentives for employees

According to the latest report, Apple is trying to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus disease, by giving its employees indefinite leave of absence. Employees who show symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, such as cough, fever or shortness of breath, can take leave without giving a doctor's certificate to a manager.

These employees are still entitled to regular pay, and their leave may be extended indefinitely. This is an Apple move to protect its customers and employees, in an epidemic of tension.

Picture 1 of Apple gives employees indefinite leave of absence, still receiving their normal pay

Apple also closed Apple Store stores in Italy last week, after the country became the second largest outbreak after China. US stores are still active, but some Apple Stores in San Francisco and Seattle have closed.

In addition to these moves, Apple also encourages its employees in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and the UK to work from home. Apple also restricts its employees from traveling to South Korea and Italy.

In addition, Apple canceled the appearance at the SXSW event, which is expected to launch a new version of Apple TV +. One of Apple's most important events of the year, WWDC 2020, is also at risk of being canceled, as city leaders recommend not holding large events.

Picture 2 of Apple gives employees indefinite leave of absence, still receiving their normal pay

Reference: appleinsider


Update 12 March 2020


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