American science officially found 42 genes that cause gum disease, periodontal disease

A series of 42 newly identified gum and periodontal disease genes are causing a stir among the international medical community.

A series of 42 newly identified gum and periodontal disease genes are causing a stir among the international medical community.

Accordingly, a group of American scientists have just announced that they officially identified all 42 genes that are capable of regulation, causing gum disease, especially periodontal disease in the teeth. Before that, periodontal disease is understood as inflammation of the tissue around the teeth, causing gum contraction, tooth loss .

To achieve this result, the US team conducted RNA tests from healthy gum tissues and gum tissue of 120 patients with periodontitis, specific gum disease .

Picture 1 of American science officially found 42 genes that cause gum disease, periodontal disease
Photo source: Internet.

After that, the group made data, genetic map that interacted with biological factors related to symptoms of gums and teeth as well as to identify individual genes with specific effects. from first to gum disease, periodontal disease.

After a while of conducting research and screening, we have narrowed down the list and found all 42 genes that can regulate, causing periodontal, gum, and dental diseases . - Panos N Papapanou, professor at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) in New York said in a statement.

This research has just been published in the Journal of Dental Research.

Huynh Dung ( According to Newkerala)

Update 24 May 2019


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