7 things to know about dental care

Dental care should be properly cared for and widely propagated to the community to help people have the most accurate view of the disease.

The ancients in Vietnam have the proverb " The tooth, the hair is the corner of people ", proving that our ancestors knew how to appreciate teeth and hair, which are considered as two important factors in the whole body. and our beauty.

The hair is only aesthetically valuable and has the advantage of keeping the head warm and the teeth regular and healthy, in addition to making the smile beautiful, the face balanced, cute, it is also A very important factor for health. Therefore, dental care is extremely important and necessary.

Every day you only need to spend 4 minutes to brush your teeth, divide it into 2 times in the morning and evening, regularly visit the dentist every 6 months, make sure you have a strong teeth in the present and old, according to this dentist in Houston. Every day you only need to spend 4 minutes to brush your teeth, divide it into 2 times in the morning and evening, regularly visit the dentist every 6 months, make sure you have a strong teeth in the present and old. But it is ominous that today this seemingly simple problem of dental care is not cared for properly.

Dentist Judith Jones, a spokesman for the American Dental Association and a professor at Boston University, said: " If not properly cared for, it will cause tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer. become more popular ".

" People think that tooth decay is just a problem for children. But in fact, adults have more tooth decay than kids ," Jones said.

With 7 things below, hope that you can be more concerned about your oral health

1. Dental heart disease?

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This is a new study discovered by doctors, poor oral hygiene , occasional brushing, no dental floss or gum disease, periodontal disease, can actually lead to problems. cardiovascular problems.

Swollen gums can lead to swollen parts of the body, including arteries. This swelling may contribute to the formation of cardiovascular disease and the risk of stroke and Alxheimer disease

2. Dry mouth seemingly harmless but incalculable consequences

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There are many causes of dry mouth such as physical diseases, due to the use of drugs, drinking too much alcohol in the evening, stuffy nose, salivary gland infection . dry mouth is probably a problem often, but it is actually a lot of risk of dental disease such as halitosis, tooth decay, corner crack .

Usually, saliva helps you wash away food and plaque, limiting bacterial growth. Saliva also contributes to the "re-mineralization" process, keeping teeth strong and healthy. So you also need to pay attention and take care of your teeth if you have signs of dry mouth.

In order to temporarily overcome dry mouth, you need to pay attention to daily oral care, proper eating, drinking plenty of water . if the condition of dry mouth persists, you must go to the dentist to find the cause and the cure is complete.

3. Brush your teeth 2 times a day, although simple but not everyone can do it

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According to a survey, there are nearly 7 million people in the UK, but not everyone has the habit of brushing teeth twice a day . Many people believe that they do not often touch the brush, sometimes leaving it unattended for a long time. Regular brushing is not only happening in the UK, but also in many other countries.

Dentist Kimberly Harms from the American Dental Association said that not brushing enough teeth twice in 24 hours will create opportunities for oral problems to arise. It seems simple, but not everyone can do it.

Jones said " An automatic brush can help them a lot ". She also notes family members when taking care of older people, don't think brushing is something that can be overlooked. Help the elderly when they can no longer brush their teeth.

4. Use mouthwash containing fluoride

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In the bathroom, you should have a mouthwash containing fluoride every time you feel lazy to brush your teeth, this is a great choice to prevent tooth decay. Oral care products containing fluoride, will contribute to a defensive shield for protected teeth.

5. Diet helps keep your teeth healthy

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Good nutrition is a balanced diet, essential nutrients for you to have good health. A poor diet will weaken your health and may cause gum disease and tooth decay . You need to provide the body with a full range of calcium rich foods such as milk, green vegetables, fish . and foods rich in vitaminC, vitamin D and B1 such as salmon, fresh fruit, pork . on the side Besides eating sweeteners to replace sugar such as soft drinks, chewing gum . to avoid sugar making tooth decay, decaying your teeth

6. Visit the dentist every 6 months

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Visiting a dentist on time will help you detect dental problems early and treat them promptly.

Today oral cancer diseases are growing and spreading, so visiting a dentist will help you be able to check and prevent oral cancer effectively.

7. Propaganda, help raise awareness about dental care

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Experts say: "The weak perception of oral health has become a public health problem ."

Therefore, we need to have propaganda campaigns to the community to know how to take care of our oral health and our loved ones. Dental care should be included in your body health check.

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