Officially found bad genes and harmful variants related to brain aging

A new gene and a variety of gene variants that have just been found to be involved in brain aging are gaining medical attention worldwide.

A new gene and a variety of gene variants that have just been found to be involved in brain aging are gaining medical attention worldwide.

A group of researchers in New York, USA has officially announced that they have identified a new gene and a series of genetic variants of that gene are associated with brain aging of the elderly for 12 years. .

The research team said that this study could be a premise towards establishing a new tool for anti-aging brain intervention, as well as finding new goals for the prevention of related brain disorders. to age that is typical of Alzheimer's disease .  

Officially found bad genes and harmful variants related to brain aging Picture 1Officially found bad genes and harmful variants related to brain aging Picture 1

Asa Abeliovich, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), said: " If you look at a group of elderly people of the same age, some will look older than their friends and some will look younger. It is the gene factor in the forehead cortex, the central brain region that dominates these different manifestations . '

The results showed that they discovered a new gene with the scientific name TMEM106B. In the study group, about one-third of people with two copies of the gene TMEM106B and one third of others have another variant of the TMEM106B gene.

People with two copies of the TMEM106B gene that appear in the prefrontal cortex tend to experience rapid aging of the brain over a 12-year period rather than those without this toxic gene.

Officially found bad genes and harmful variants related to brain aging Picture 2Officially found bad genes and harmful variants related to brain aging Picture 2

Abeliovich explains, "T MEM106B starts to work when people are 65 years old. Until then, no matter how safe and comfortable you are, life is easy, but if you have a bad TMEM106B gene variant, When faced with stress at any intensity, your brain will quickly age rather than those with good genes in the cortex . "

'It is one of the causes of genetic mutations in the brain when they get older, and this bad gene will make brain aging faster than normal people, and the brain is more vulnerable.' And if unfortunately you have brain disease that in the brain contains bad genes TMEM106B , your disease will become severe.

This research has just been published in Cell Systems magazine.

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