Alcohol on New Year and 9 risks to unpredictable health

The face of 9 unpredictable effects of alcohol with health is not well known.

Lunar New Year, it is hard to avoid alcohol, but that does not mean they allow themselves to cross the limit. "Trying too hard is too much" - this catchphrase still has very right aspects when it comes to drunkenness. Because, in addition to some noticeable manifestations such as headache, vomiting, fatigue, the "young buffalo" reaction spends money like a giant so that when he wakes up starts to regret or risk doing anything regardless Consequences . there are also serious dangers to health that many "wine worms" do not know.

Before this Tet, we will "drop the brakes" with friends, please join us to "list" 9 unpredictable harmful effects of alcohol in this article. Surely they will make you startled.

1. The risk of infertility and miscarriage

Alcohol is also one of the causes of infertility in men, not everyone knows. In the short term, this enzyme will cause erectile dysfunction and in the long term, reduced blood testosterol concentration will lead to reduced sexual desire, affected testicles, sperm damage, making them not access to eggs, leading to strong reproductive ability.

Picture 1 of Alcohol on New Year and 9 risks to unpredictable health

Not only men, weak women if too much alcohol will harm the menstrual cycle and for pregnant women, they need to say no to alcohol to avoid the risk of miscarriage.

2. Risk of cancer

Alcohol after being introduced into the body will be broken down by the liver, forming acetaldehyde, which is a toxic substance that causes cellular DNA to be damaged and increase the risk of cancer. Many studies have also confirmed that the presence of alcohol in the body will cause some types of cancer such as liver, intestine, breast cancer, esophagus . to increase dramatically.

3. Liver damage

Drinking too much will increase the risk of fatty liver, fibrosis formation in the liver, leading to cirrhosis and eventually loss of function.

4. The risk of skin aging is faster

Alcohol is a diuretic drink so drinking too much will cause dehydration, dryness and brittle hair. In addition, alcohol also reduces the amount of iron in the body, makes the skin pale and lifeless, the skin is less recovered when going to the sun because the alcohol has "absorbed" all the vitamins C and A available.

Picture 2 of Alcohol on New Year and 9 risks to unpredictable health

5. Negative effects on the brain in the brain

A very common thing is when people are bored, frustrated or upset, people often go to alcohol. However, this condition lasts a long time to create a "habit" for the brain, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, depression, bad and negative personalities and thoughts. out. Not to mention many suicides often have a part due to alcohol.

6. Damage to the heart muscle

When alcohol is introduced into the body, fibrous tissue does not have the ability to contract and is stimulated to develop, causing the heart to weaken and the blood circulation process is affected. More serious is the risk of heart failure, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, leg edema, hypertension and some other bad symptoms.

7. Kidney damage

The presence of alcohol in alcohol will reduce the function of the kidneys, making the kidney unable to filter blood, sudden hypertension and may lead to acute kidney damage.

Picture 3 of Alcohol on New Year and 9 risks to unpredictable health

8. Pancreatic injury

The pancreas plays a role in secreting digestive enzymes to help the small intestine convert food, but only when it is transferred to the small intestine will these enzymes "work". However, when there is an effect of alcohol, the enzyme will be activated and "work" right in the pancreas, thus causing pancreatitis. People who suffer from this inflammation can detect some signs such as abdominal pain (even severe pain), nausea, fever, diarrhea . Also, if you have chronic pancreatitis, you will have to urinate. Removing sugar and the risk of death is unavoidable.

9. Osteoporosis

There are always two processes of bone resorption and bone regeneration. These two processes are always balanced and if the balance tilts on which side it is a very bad sign. When alcohol is introduced into the body, it will inhibit bone regeneration, which causes bone resorption activity to increase and bones will weaken very quickly.

Now that you have grasped the immeasurable harms of overdoing it. Save them and remind yourself whenever you intend to cross the limit.

Update 24 May 2019


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