9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold

Breathing by mouth, wearing clothes that are too tight, keeping your stomach hungry or warming your body with alcohol before going out is a mistake when it comes to keeping warm, making many people more sick in cold weather.

From habits that seem to be very familiar in everyday life, but it is the reason why you get sick easily when it gets cold. Breathing by mouth, wearing clothes that are too tight, keeping your stomach hungry or warming your body with alcohol before going out is a mistake when it comes to keeping warm, making many people more sick in cold weather. All you need to do to stay healthy, even when it's cold is to give up some bad habits. If you give up 9 bad habits below, you not only avoid getting sick but also enjoy the weather in the cold season .

1. Use nasal drops before going out

Picture 1 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
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The cold air environment makes the nasal cavities, empty cavities contain narrower sinus holes. If you improve the situation by using nasal drops, your nasal mucosa will not protect against microorganisms or warm yourself up when you breathe in cold air. Better blow your nose before going out .

2. Breathe through your mouth when out

Picture 2 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
© forharriet © ilovestyle

When breathing through your mouth, you cannot warm the air or provide moisture to it and this increases the likelihood of being beaten by angina. To avoid this, you just need to breathe slowly and deeply with your nose.

3. Cover your nose and mouth with a towel

Picture 3 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
© ilmajaam © diarydiet

During winter cold weather, steam when we exhale can turn into ice if deposited on the material of the towel or coat. Therefore, the air passing through the towel on the face is even colder when there is no such towel . Breathing cold air can cause angina, bronchitis and skin irritation. Therefore, if you really need it, you can use a towel to cover your face but do not cover your nose to avoid these problems.

4. Go home when you're shivering

Picture 4 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
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Instead of running quickly to the cold outside to go home ( especially when it rains ), you should sit down somewhere to keep warm, such as a store or cafe for a few minutes to warm your body and get back. stable breathing, then continue to go home. Don't make your body work faster and stronger when it's cold.

5. Dress up and wear tight shoes

Picture 5 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
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Wearing tight shoes and wearing tight clothing makes your body feel colder in winter weather. So, if you choose the item, choose something a little wide , the air between these layers will help the body feel warmer and not interfere with the circulation of blood to the organs of the body.

6. Drink hot food 30 minutes before going out

Picture 6 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
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Hot tea or any hot beverage increases blood circulation and improves the body's defense mechanism. However, these drinks also make blood vessels expand. This means that when you go out in the cold, your body temperature will quickly drop. If you really need to drink something before going out, drink warm water instead of hot water !

7. Keep your stomach hungry when it is cold outside

Picture 7 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
© 7y7 © monicore / pixabay

To produce body temperature, you need energy, otherwise your body will be " frozen " quickly. This is why you should eat as soon as hunger arises. At the very least, have a snack and a cup of tea in a warm place before going out in the cold.

8. Apply the lotion immediately before going out

Picture 8 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
© POPSUGAR Photography / Maria del Rio © glupih

When applying lotion on your skin, take 30-40 minutes to let the moisture in the cream on your skin get out. If this happens in cold weather, it will harm the skin. Therefore, do not go outside for at least 30 minutes after applying the cream and avoid using creams containing a lot of water.

9. Drink when going out

Picture 9 of 9 habits should be removed immediately if you do not want to be sick when it is cold
© be in open © kak pravilno

You will feel warmer after 30-40 minutes of drinking alcohol but then the body begins to cool down quickly. Furthermore, your brain may not respond appropriately to this dangerous situation, not sending signals that you are cold. So better than that, just drink alcohol when you're in the warm home

Update 24 May 2019


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