Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season?

Most people have a feeling that in the cold season, pain, wounds are harder and worse than usual. Just a little touch or a cut can make you very miserable. Why?

Most people have a feeling that in the cold season, pain, wounds are harder and worse than usual. Just a little touch or a cut can make you very miserable. Why?

The culprit of this phenomenon is cold weather, when the nerves in the human body become more sensitive than usual. When the weather is cold, our blood vessels shrink, causing more blood to reach internal organs to keep warm and blood to the ends of the body such as fingertips, toes and ears. Less blood. Therefore, the outer layer of skin will be harder, the pressure placed on the skin on nerves that are already sensitive in cold weather is even stronger than ever, and makes us feel worse than normal when injured .

Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 1Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 1

In addition, in cold weather conditions, the muscles of humans will shrink and become more rigid and less flexible, thus easily hurting.

Why do many cold weather suffer from joint pain?

For some people when there is cold air coming back from being back pain, joint pain, neck pain . They can even predict the cold weather with their own feeling of pain and the lower the temperature The pain is worse. According to medicine, all those symptoms are called cold-induced pain .

Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 2Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 2

The reason is that the low temperature makes the fluid of the joint change, the tissues contract and pull the nerve endings, causing the joints to hurt. As the air pressure decreases and is not strong enough to keep the tissue in place, the already sensitive tissue swells.

How to reduce sharp pain in cold weather

Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 3Why are wounds always worse than normal in the cold season? Picture 3

  1. Keeping the body warm to the muscles, nerves inside are not blocked.
  2. Exercise muscle relaxation in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed to help your muscles get comfortable after many hours of operation or stay in one position for a long time.
  3. Exercise regularly to make joints flexible. In cold weather, people can practice indoors.
  4. Swim in warm water tanks, this is a treatment that helps relieve pain in the neck, back and joints.
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