Give up these habits immediately if you don't want to get sick when it's cold

When it is cold, the temperature is low, it is best to find somewhere to stay warm, such as sitting in a coffee shop or a store to warm your body and regain a steady breathing, then continue on the road. Don't make your body work faster and stronger when it's cold.

When it is cold, the temperature is low, it is best to find somewhere to stay warm, such as sitting in a coffee shop or a store to warm your body and regain a steady breathing, then continue on the road. Don't make your body work faster and stronger when it's cold.

1. Use nasal drops before going out

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Cold weather makes the space containing the nasal passages become narrower. If you use nasal drops to improve the situation, the nasal mucosa will not protect against microorganisms or warm itself up when you breathe in cold air. Better blow your nose before going out.

2. Breathe through your mouth when going out

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When breathing through your mouth, you can't warm the air or give it moisture and this increases the likelihood of being beaten by angina. To avoid this situation, you only need to breathe through your nose, slowly and deeply.

3. Cover your nose and mouth with a towel

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With cold weather like this, breathing cold air can cause angina, bronchitis and skin irritation. When you use a towel to cover your nose and mouth, you will accidentally inhale cold air and may easily get sick.

4. Run home when it's cold

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When it is cold, the temperature is low, it is best to find somewhere to stay warm, such as sitting in a coffee shop or a store to warm your body and regain a steady breathing, then continue on the road. Don't make your body work faster and stronger when it's cold.

5. Drink warm water 30 minutes before going out

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Hot tea (or any hot beverage) increases blood circulation and improves the body's defense mechanism. But at the same time it also causes blood vessels to expand. This means that when you go out in the cold, your body temperature will quickly disappear. If you really need to drink something before going out, drink warm water instead of hot.

6. Keep your stomach hungry when it is cold outside

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To produce body temperature, you need energy, otherwise you will be "frozen" quickly. This is why you should eat as soon as hunger arises. At the very least, you should have a snack and a cup of tea in a warm place before going out.

7. Apply the lotion immediately before going out

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When applying the cream to the skin, leave it for 30-40 minutes so that the steam in it is released. If the weather is cold, this process will be harmful to the skin. So avoid going out at least 30 minutes after applying the cream and avoid using creams with a lot of water.

8. Drink alcohol when going out

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You will feel warmer after only 30-40 minutes of drinking but the body will start to cool down very quickly. Moreover, your brain may not react appropriately to this danger, do not send a signal that you are cold. Better yet, just drink alcohol while in a warm home.

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. 8 habits when processing eggs harmful to health you need to quit immediately
  1. Top 8 effective cancer prevention foods
  1. Mistakes that damage your health every day without your knowledge

Wish you have moments of fun!

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