5 things to keep in mind when buying student laptops

On the market today, choosing a laptop is not too difficult. However, it is not easy to choose a product that suits the needs of the students.

On the market today, choosing a laptop is not too difficult. However, it is not easy to choose a product that suits the needs of the students.

Technology experts gave 5 unnecessary elements when choosing laptops for students.

1. Quad core processor

A computer is equipped with as many cores as possible. However, students do not need a computer with a ' terrible' processor . Most computers have "terrible" processors suitable for transcoding audio and video files, editing digital images or videos. If you just need to edit documents, surf the web, a dual-core processor is all you need and it will save a lot of battery for your device.

Picture 1 of 5 things to keep in mind when buying student laptops

2. Graphics processor

If you are looking for a device to play online games, you should invest to buy a desktop or portable gaming device. A laptop with a graphics card will make the operations on the computer become slower, the weight will be heavier. Your school laptop must be a lightweight, energy-efficient device.

3. Solid storage

For normal document storage needs, a laptop with an internal hard drive will meet this need. If more storage is needed, experts suggest using more USB drives because solid-state hard drives have a high price and lower capacity than hard drives.

4. Touch screen

Picture 2 of 5 things to keep in mind when buying student laptops

Windows 8 is designed for touch screens. However, touchscreen laptops are a luxury for a student. Therefore, choosing a touch screen laptop device is not necessary. You should focus on other important components, such as CPU, memory and storage capacity. Choose a touch screen for your phone and tablet.

5. Connect 4G

Easy Internet connection is one of the many important factors for current technology devices. Many laptops offer broadband connectivity, 3G wireless services. A laptop with 4G technology is not necessary when this wireless network is not really popular.

Update 25 May 2019


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