5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

Here are 5 small tips to help you simplify your life from today. Don't rush to do it all at once, choose one that works best for you to get started!

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Living a simple life can be something very beautiful . However, how to simplify life, is it like simplifying thinking? Simple life comes from the simplicity of your thoughts.

Instead of trying to simplify the whole life, remove all the mess around you and just plan meditation and write novels . how to simplify one thing?Spend more time caring for yourself, both physically and mentally, relieving stress, unwanted pressure and focusing on what's important .

However, living simply doesn't mean you accept a boring, lazy, unappetizing life or accepting ' normal '. Living simply means understanding who you are and feeling your own purpose of life.

Simplification is a feasible thing. You don't need to simplify things today - you are old enough to do all that.

Living is simply a process, not a destination. Because it is a process, it is acceptable for you to waver in the process. It is important that you constantly try to improve yourself on the journey to a simple life.

So how to get a simple life? Here are 5 small tips to help you simplify your life from today . Don't rush to do it all at once, choose one that works best for you to get started!

1. Focus on one thing only

Picture 1 of 5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

The next thing you choose to do . and just do it.Pause all other things, put your phone away and focus only on one task . If you're reading this article, focus on reading it and don't do anything else until it's finished reading.

When you decide to check notifications on social networks, review them all at once and make it as comfortable as possible. When walking, it's best not to listen to music or think about anything other than nature around you. Do one thing at a time: washing dishes with only dishes, writing and writing or eating and drinking only. This is a very simple idea and you can do it now.

2. Use a short break to practice small meditation

Picture 2 of 5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

When you do something, instead of rushing to move on to the next one, enjoy that break. Pay attention to your feelings, the things around you, what you have done, the next intention to do.

When going to another place, whether it's another room where you work or a place farther away ., enjoy the full time you have as if it's as important as any any other you do, don't rush to finish.

3. Abandoning a commitment

Picture 3 of 5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

Our lives become confusing, busy because we say ' yes ' too much and our commitments pile up over time. You can simplify your life by giving up a commitment. What does not make you satisfied? You can get rid of the confusion today by telling them that you really don't have time. Practice saying ' no ' with the most sincere and polite possible.

See also: 5 ways to refuse do not offend others

4. Full presence when being with someone

Picture 4 of 5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

Choose a person you really want to talk to them comfortably. Put your phone aside, stop all other thoughts and focus only on the conversation between you and them. Listen attentively. Try to observe them. Open your heart. Send love to them. If you do this to one person every day, your life will become better and you will have much better relationships.

5. Clean up the space

Picture 5 of 5 helpful tips to help you simplify your life from today

Look for a small corner in your home or workplace and start cleaning up from that location. For example, you will begin to clean the drawer, desk and then gradually expand the bookcase . Every week a position and after just a month you will find your house become more neat and peaceful than before .

These are 5 small things you can do no matter what happens today - remember not to do it all at once but choose one. Enjoy a simple life in the true sense!

See also: 7 questions to ask when encountering a difficult decision in life

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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