If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article!
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Sometimes in life, we feel like we are going into a dead end or standing in the middle of a cross without leading anywhere. It doesn't matter what stage of your life you're in if you don't feel happy with your current life or are unsure about how to continue, this is when you need to look back at life. mine.
When I was in high school, I - the author of the article, remembered that I thought I had to choose a job that I felt interested to do in the next 50 years or the rest of my life. It is a great task. But how can you know what will make you feel happy the rest of your life, especially when you're only 16 years old.
You cannot know. From now on, you also cannot know what will make you feel happy in the next five years, but you can certainly know what makes you happy right now and if you feel unhappy with the situation. live now, then it's time you need to change it.
If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article! Picture 1
When my first child planned to go to college and pursue their future work, I often told them to go to school, learn favorite subjects or get interested and if I didn't like it That class or anything like that, brick it out of the list.Life is a test of everything and realizes things that you don't want to be like when you're " mature" .
I tried to be a substitute teacher for a year to see if I wanted to become a teacher. At first, I liked that time very much, but after talking to other teachers and doing their job for a year, I realized that it was not a job for me.
You cannot draw the whole future
Remember that you cannot know what will happen next. Life is full of interesting irony, but if we persistently pursue what we want, whether it's for work or hobbies, it will surely make life enjoyable and fun. than.
Maybe now you like jewelry design. Maybe you will sell jewelry. In 5 years, maybe you will become a successful jewelry designer or maybe you will switch to making other crafts. That does not matter. It is important that you have experience designing jewelry as a platform and baggage to help you implement other projects in the future.
Adapt to unpleasant things
If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article! Picture 2
Life is sometimes uncomfortable. Sometimes we don't have enough money to do what we want. If you really want to pursue something, you will have to live with discomfort to do it. Suppose I want to ride a sled with a dog to the Iditarod. To do that, I had to leave my beautiful suburban home and move the whole family to a tent in Alaska. There, we will not have running water, no regular electricity and much smaller huts than our old houses, but we do not bother with that lack because we will live in a beautiful place. and I can fulfill my dream.
Life is uncertain. Live with it
Deadlock appears. I think I have gone through it all. I have a great job, a beautiful house in the forest. But then suddenly I got fired, lost my house and turned 40 in just a week. After that, I found out I was pregnant. A week of irony! I was lying on the sofa all day and desperate, but then I realized I had all I needed to fulfill my dream, I planned to go to Alaska.
If life throws you a lemon, add sugar and make a great refreshment.Every bad thing that happens in life is an opportunity to make great things appear.
Overcome distraction. Stop the delay
If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article! Picture 3
You cannot be younger. That's for sure. Sorry to say this painful truth. If you do not start pursuing your dreams, you will find that you have nothing to watch later but only postless posts on Facebook and TV shows. If you are really serious about pursuing a dream, whether it's jewelry design, professional surfing or becoming a famous computer technology tycoon, it's better to do it. Let's start the first steps. Turn off Facebook notifications and get started on your work.You won't go anywhere without thinking about how great you will be.
Ask yourself
Take time for yourself more. Ask yourself different big and small questions to better understand yourself. Practice meditation. Write down the things you care about and the things you can find yourself doing if money and time are not a problem for you. Let's dream big. Remain and imagine you are doing these things.
If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article! Picture 4
If you have a job or hobby, whether it's grooming for a dog or keeping a zoo, you can volunteer or help with the job, and see if it is a job you really love. All dreams in this world do not become a reality if you do not do it yourself and start working.
Sometimes we think we like something and try it, then we realize it is the job we want to do. Maybe even associate me with that job more than I thought. It is important to experience for yourself, ponder those experiences before surrendering to the present life to pursue your dreams.
Save some money
If you need to go to school to pursue a new dream, it's worth doing anything and saving money to help you do that. I have spent many years building newspaper, editing articles and now I can write and edit newspapers from my small room, I get paid, use that money for food and stuff to set up my dog sled team.
If you're not sure what to do with your life, read this article! Picture 5
Do I want to make money from a sleigh with a dog sled team? Yes of course. But now I have not done that when I still have to train my sled dogs. Moreover, I do not have a reputation for running dog sleds but I am famous for writing newspapers. So I do something I like and make money to pay for it.
Responding to the knock on the door
The opportunity can knock on your door at any time but if you don't open the door , how can you keep that chance. You must seize the opportunity when they appear. Sometimes the opportunity does not come at the right time, but it doesn't matter, the opportunity comes when it appears. Respond to that door knock or the chance to knock on another door.
The most important thing to remember is when trying to determine what you are going to do with your life, and then you need to act because nothing is available . You have to decide and try everything, even if you hate it or want to do something else. By the end of your life, you will not regret trying to do something and fail, but you will definitely regret it if you don't try anything.
See also: 8 things to remember when life is so hard that you want to give up
Having fun!
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