When tired, change your life in these 12 simple ways
"If you always do what you always have, you'll always get what you've always got" - Henry Ford
An extremely meaningful statement: " If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always get ."
Do you understand the feeling of being empty, tired, unable to concentrate on working when 10 am feeling restless because you have been drinking a third cup of coffee but your mind is still in a vague state? Feeling drained - physically, mentally and emotionally - and calmly about things that make you happy. Motivation? Forget. Stubborn? Not sure. All that is related to personal health and happiness? Finally gone.
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Usually, the body seems " exhausted " when it gets everything in hand. However, fatigue is not an expression of success: it's the way the body tells you that you should slow down .
Meanwhile, taking two espresso cups and covering two layers of concealer can help you look fresh, alert and basically change right now. But that is not a long-term investment for yourself but only temporary support, if you want to invest long-term, see 12 simple ways below!
1. Sleep like a "Tomorrow never comes"
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Your body is like a machine. A real, complex and beautiful machine needs proper care and rest. Just like giving your computer " shutdown " at the end of each day, you should also energize your body and mind every night. Some studies show that a good night's sleep can " clean up " the " toxins " that accumulate in the brain and that's why it's important to sleep 7-8 hours a day. with your physical as well as your spirit.
However, if work makes you unable to spend 7-8 hours of sleep every night, you still have a way to get enough sleep. Just give yourself a 30-minute nap or simply take a nap, whether it's lunch or dinner. Do not sleep too little or try to force your body to work without resting, so it's like you're " killing " your own health.
2. Think while eating
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Practicing thinking while eating is also a good way. Especially when you are so busy that one hand holds the chopsticks, one hand is busy responding to mail or incoming calls. This challenges you to consider the nature of what your body will consume such as: where they originate, what nutrients they add to the body and how they are processed. Besides helping your body satisfy hunger, it also helps you build a healthy and sustainable relationship with food. Some studies show that thinking about eating can be good for your mood, reducing stress and helping to lose weight as well as healthy eating behaviors.
3. Ignore things that contain caffeine
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Caffeine is a stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system. That's why excess caffeine can make you " addicted ". If you feel anxious, stressed, tired or unable to concentrate, adding a double amount of coffee is not an effective and long-term measure. Instead, try long-term natural remedies like exercise and meditation to feel energized and alert. If you can't figure out how you will be without a cup of coffee every morning, try to learn more about coffee than just thinking about it and being alert. Enjoy the rich, characteristic aroma from your favorite cup of coffee, over time, sometimes you even learn a lot more than just a cup of coffee.
4. Keep your body active
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Exercise is an effective way to increase your emotions and reduce stress, it can also protect your memory and thinking skills. Whether biking, jogging or spending time with yoga, learn how to move so that your body can relieve stress from those things. Morning exercise can serve as a stepping stone for the entire day. Successful people tend to work in the morning and in order to have a productive day, they also spend time at least 30 minutes each morning. Remember: Don't let your body pass or sit still. Movement will bring unexpected benefits to that body.
5. Feel the silence in comfort
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Most of us know that meditation can reduce stress effectively, increase immunity and improve sleep to increase happiness. About 80% of patients who come for medical examination suffer from stress-related problems. This takes a lot of time and money to process, which can be prevented if we train ourselves by meditating. Even just 5 minutes of meditation can make your day better. Moreover, meditators are more rational and less anxious when faced with challenges. In particular, meditation is a very effective measure, especially for those who like silence.
6. Have a skin care routine
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A beautiful healthy skin proves that the person is also healthy. Therefore, you should establish yourself a skin care routine, of course this takes time. There is an adage that once said: " It takes 21 days to form a habit" . Establishing habits will help you to be less strenuous when you have to make a " fresh " appearance with concealer layers. Because it is only a temporary measure and does not bring any positive effect on your mood or skin health. Invest in skin care right from the inside. Find out what type of skin you are and what care products are suitable for your skin. Just take care of your skin properly and regularly every morning, every night for a period of time you will find it effective. It is important to be patient. Once you have healthy skin, you will become much more confident and happy.
7. "Starve your ego, feed your soul - Longing for me and nurturing the soul"
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Simply think: Do things that make you happy . Just because things bring you success is not necessarily filled with joy in you. Certainly, work until late at night can be effective, but sometimes the amount of energy spent to exhaustion is proven less constructive than relaxing and enjoying. When you like anything, don't hesitate, but be determined to bring it back to you. When you like to do something, don't hesitate to think about what others think of you, do what you like. Buy a lipstick or shoes you like, reward yourself with an ice cream after lunch break or enjoy a short weekend trip. Because someone once said: " It's just a great thing if you are always yourself, do what you feel happy, not mark all you have to do" .
8. Listen to your intuition
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Have you ever listened to your intuition, especially when making important decisions? Try starting listening. The body often tells us what we need before we know we need it. Sleep when tired, enjoy a trip when you really want to. Ask yourself some things that you don't think are right. Unless you are a very good person, listen from your heart. Always listen and be honest with your feelings. Ignore anything that is challenging you, go to the room to be reassured and be honest with your emotions. Since you probably already know what you need, your job is to just slow down, listen to your intuition to tell what to do.
9. Shuffle everything up
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This sounds unreasonable but is an effective way. Try breaking the rules , the usual habits because this is the best treatment when tired that many people around the world have successfully applied. Challenge yourself to do something completely new every week, or if you feel excited, challenging yourself daily is also very good. It could be as simple as going a new path to work or starting a blog. New experiences often help open up the mind that leads you to new thoughts or ways to recognize new things, which will make you much happier and happier.
10. Invest in positive things around you
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Build healthy relationships by caring about who or what you want to be an important part of your life. Evaluate the most important relationships that they bring to your life. Not only do you think about having good relationships, you have to invest seriously in it, pay more attention, listen more and share more. Catholicism has a great saying: " It is better to give than to receive ". Moreover, those who deeply care about relationships will tend to be more confident in their judgment.
11. Learn new things
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Learning makes us feel happier, because it not only helps us to understand more things, live longer, be more open, but also live more fully. If you just start by learning something that isn't too big, try learning to knit through watching YouTube clips. If you think bigger, try studying a graphic design course or website. However, whatever you decide to study, learn " mindful ", persistent, don't learn the style of movement. No matter what you learn, the brain will be extremely grateful to you for helping to keep it strong and youthful.
12. Write a diary
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Journaling has been proven to reduce stress, increase understanding, spark creativity, build trust and, moreover, encourage you to pursue goals. Doesn't this sound too complicated? You don't need to put pressure on your journal every day. The writing process is more important than how often you write, but you should not put too much effort into them.
Sometimes we often think to ourselves, "What 's my day like tomorrow? " Don't just ask idly like that. Take a pen and write down the thoughts that appear in your mind, what to do and what to do and put your responsibility in it, make sure to check it again to make sure it won't be missed. So your diary will help manage time better. Another important thing is to not forget to record memorable things during the day, week or month. Because your brain is like a rustle can't remember everything. Write it down, then someday after opening the notebook, it reminds you, you will probably smile because of your past innocent memories, how much tiredness is gone.
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