4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details
Most users do not know exactly the information about the operating system on their computer. Only when the computer fails, new users need to use the system information to fix the error.
On Windows 10 you can check the system information, including detailed information about the BIOS, computer model, processor, hardware, graphics card, operating system and other information. In the following article, Network Administrator will guide you 4 basic ways to check the system information on Windows 10 computer .
4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details Picture 1
1. Check the system information using the Settings application
If you want to see an overview of the basic configurations on the system, the Settings application can provide you with information about the system's hardware and software.
To view the basic information of the system using the Settings application, follow the steps below:
1. Open the Settings application.
2. On the Settings window, find and click System .
3. Click About .
4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details Picture 2
On the Settings window you will find the exact version of Windows 10 you are using and the build number.
In addition, you can view the system, processor and memory formats installed on the system.
Good tip:
This information can also be found on Control Panel => System .
2. Check the system information with System Information
System Information is not exactly the new tool on Windows 10, but it is one of the best tools that users can use to view all specific information on their Windows computer.
To open System Information, follow the steps below:
1. Open Start Menu .
2. Enter msinfo32 or System Information in the Search frame and press Enter .
4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details Picture 3
Regardless of the hardware on your computer, you can find information on System Information. As long as you only need to open the tool and look at the System Summary section, including information such as system model, system type, processor (processor), BIOS information and the latest firmware update version and set up mind.
Graphics card information is not available on System Summary, but if you want to learn some information you can quickly check the information by expanding Components and choosing Display .
3. Create a report of system information
One of the interesting features of System Information is the ability to create a report containing all system information.
To create a report, follow the steps below:
1. Open System Information .
2. Select the information you want to export. For example, if you select System Summary , you will have to export the System Summary information. However, if you want to export detailed information about the active card of the computer, you just need to select Display .
3. Click File .
4. Click Export .
5. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.
Note :
The advice for you is to store this information on OneDrive or an external hard drive (USB drive, etc.) in case if your Windows computer does not boot, you can still use this information. .
6. Put any name you want for the report and click Save to complete the process.
4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details Picture 4
This report is a text file, so you can open it with any text viewer application, even on mobile phones.
4. Use Command Prompt to check system information
You can also use systeminfo.exe - a command utility that allows you to search for system information. This tool even tells you when your operating system is installed.
To view system information using the systeminfo.exe utility, follow the steps below:
1. Open Start Menu, then enter the Command Prompt keyword in the Search box and press Enter.
2. Right-click Command Prompt on the search results list and select Run as administrator .
3. On the Command Prompt window, enter the following command and press Enter :
4 ways to check Windows 10 system configuration details Picture 5
After you finish the command, on the screen you will get detailed information about the hardware and operating system, including Windows information and update information, BIOS version, memory, network card and information. other news.
If you want to get more information you can run the following command:
systeminfo /?
Refer to some of the following articles:
- Here's how to uninstall Windows 10 to return to using Windows 7 or 8.1
- How to share a folder (folder) via LAN on Windows 10
- 2 simple ways to view and read MAC addresses on Windows 10 computers
Good luck!
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