30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

Success is not far away from those who are always looking for it, even if they are not excellent, not too outstanding.

Success is not far away from those who are always looking for it, even if they are not excellent, not too outstanding.

The day I went to college, there were many friends who were not in my eyes, thinking that people like them never got better. But now, when I was 30 years old, seeing them again I was totally surprised and embarrassed by my previous thoughts. They are poised, they have the goal of striving and a desirable position in society. Those people who used to be very ordinary, did not study well, their families were not so good, so how did they succeed?

When interacting with them, rethinking the whole process they went up from there was no advantage in the eyes of others to the position of many aspiring people like today, I understand that everyone has the opportunity to The same work and talent is only a very small part.

  1. Men, when they were 30 years old, could not do this 5 things too poorly

The key, successful formula and almost true for all those who have succeeded in my university class as well as the world's great people is knowing how to effectively and effectively combine many related things. .

You must know the richest billionaire in the world Bill Gates ? He founded the famous Microsoft Technology Group while he was not the best programmer in the world, not good at presentations, not the great visionary people were not even an excellent salesman. But . the difference is in this "but" word - he understands the basics of these fields, intertwining them together to create superior value products, gaining the world. receive and use. Think back to which areas you know, is there any way to combine them, which products can be created from that combination?

Picture 1 of 30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

Come on, have you ever heard or seen a movie called The Pursuit of Happyness ? Will Smith - the male lead in that film, has successfully completed his role, leaving the hearts of the viewers with an unforgettable mark. Will Smith has never confirmed himself to be the greatest singer, actor, but he knows how to harmonize these two skills with great personality and a proper personal branding strategy, but that brought him success. If you haven't seen this movie yet, turn on your computer and find it now, it will help you have more motivation to overcome the most difficult stages of your life.

Picture 2 of 30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

On the way to finding success, everyone has made serious mistakes, especially when only focusing on the skills that are best for them. If Steve Jobs did, he would not have become a technology village legend, but perhaps an excellent car salesman.

Picture 3 of 30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

Who else, Jack Ma? A small man with no appearance but look what he has achieved you will have to ask why I haven't done it like him yet? Jack Ma's start did not go smoothly either, and three times passed the university entrance exam, and taught English at an income of 12 USD per month (1988). If I continue with my strong English skills, perhaps Jack Ma will become an excellent school or provincial teacher, not a billionaire like now. You can read more about Jack Ma here.

Picture 4 of 30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

Going back to my college friends, they may not be as famous as the characters above but have gained a certain status in life. One person opened his own eCommerce company, one became the sales director of a famous and admired real estate company, another became a marketing manager for a media company. . Remember that they don't have pedestals, normal families, when they go to school, they don't excel and even get disliked by their friends because they are lazy to study, do not participate in the group's learning activities.

But the person who opened an eCommerce company with good skills in SEO, has a relationship, so when he learns about online sales, he is attracted to, utilizing his SEO ability and the source of goods has been successful. If you continue to pursue SEO, maybe you are just a good SEO maker.

You make the real estate party not good at studying, the exam must be popped but confident and able to express well. If this direction could she go to the rank of a speaker? No, she is bored with major education (system administration), so she learned more by bank in the hope of becoming a banker with a stable, high-paying job. But life continued to turn in another direction. She did not get into the bank, after trying many things, she found a job that needed confidence in real estate business. 2 strengths combined with hard work (different from school time - sometimes we still joke because of motivation is money) and a little knowledge of banking (advising customers when buying loans) Real estate) has brought success to her in the field of real estate business.

And the people who do marketing are also normal, but have the ability to sing and act very well. You will wonder why he is not a singer? Because her voice and ability are not enough to become a professional singer, but the stage, artistic eyes, personal image and approach to the public are a stepping stone to building up. images for a whole business.

Picture 5 of 30 years old, men do not make good money, there is no pedestal, no handsome: This successful formula will make you awaken!

If you have knowledge but are not confident in public, think of ways like online business, online teaching, online sharing.Your weaknesses are sometimes not completely downsides, finding the right environment for it, finding another way to overcome it is your chance to move forward.

Observe yourself, which individual skills do you have? Try to find a way to combine them. For example, if you like to play soccer but not enough to become a professional player, you can know which kind of ball is good, address grass fields in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. HCM, how do you know how to wear clothes when you play football will be comfortable, you know how to kick the ball, what do you need, what needs, . Do you have any ideas?

You like computer langurs, phones, think about sharing clips, tips, new ways of experimenting you just created.
You probably have a lot of unique skills, you are good at many things, you just haven't figured out how to combine them. Stop for a moment, ask yourself questions and observe, you will be surprised at what you can do yourself.

Hopefully this article can help you find a new wind inside you and have more motivation to be more successful on the road named Success.

Update 24 May 2019


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