10 share the key to success from the world's most successful people

Join us to read 10 sharing about the key to success from the world's most successful people!
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The successful people below always live by their own life, and that is the cause of success in life. They are unsuccessful thanks to the luck that they work towards their own goals. Here are 10 sharing on the key to the success of the most successful people in the world . Invite you to read!

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Richard Branson: Always challenge yourself

" What is my biggest motivation? It is always challenging myself. I consider life as a long-term higher education system that I can never have - every day passes, I learn many new things. batch. "

Oprah Winfrey: Trust yourself

" Whenever you say what you want or believe in, you are the first to hear it. It is a message for yourself and others about what you think absolutely can happen. Don't restrain your ability . "

Steve Jobs: Don't waste time.

" Time is limited, so never waste time by living a life that is not yours. Don't listen to the dogma - that is, you are living the mind of others. Do not worry. Personal points are governed by the opinions of others, and most importantly, be brave to listen to the voice of the heart and reason, they are what you most want. secondary. "

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Bill Gates: Don't be afraid to change

" People are always afraid of change. They are scared when electricity is invented, don't they? They're afraid of coal-fired, gas-powered engines . Ignorance always exists and that leads to fear, but with time, people gradually accept changes made by their intelligence. "

See also: 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Mark Twain: Do it before it's too late

" Twenty years later, you'll regret what you didn't do rather than regret what you did. So don't hesitate, throw that ball away. Get out of your safe zone. Let's take the new wind. Let's explore. Be thirsty .

Vince Lombardi: Hardworking

" The price of success is hard work, devote yourself to what you do, determine whether success or failure still has to do your best ."

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Napoleon Hill: Failure is inevitable

" Before success comes to anyone, they encounter many obstacles and failures. When defeated, the easiest and most reasonable thing a person can do is give up. That is what most people do. "

Albert Einstein: Creation

" I have the quality of a painter to draw freely on my imagination. Imagination is far more important than understanding. Knowledge is limited and imagination is bigger than this world. . "

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Thomas Edison: Action

" Busy does not mean doing a real job. Working means producing or perfecting and besides the calculation, the method, the intention, the intelligence, the true goal and the grave. It seems like work is actually not doing anything. "

Winston Churchill: Accept criticism

" Criticism may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary. It acts as a pain in the human body. It reminds us to pay attention to the unhealthy state of a certain part in body . "

See also: 20 inspirational quotes from the most famous women in the world

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