20 real life lessons that help you live better and more meaningful

Here are 20 real life lessons that help you live better and more meaningful. Let's read and ponder!

Sometimes, in life there are uneasy facts that force us to learn to accept a peaceful and gentle life. In addition, it also provides very valuable lessons and experiences about current life. Here are 20 real life lessons that help you live better and more meaningful . Let's read and ponder!

1. There are people who come and go

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As you grow older, you will realize that the number of friends who are constantly in touch is less and less than before. Today you may be very close to someone but then suddenly they don't talk to each other again, even though there is no friction between them. That's life. You should learn to accept this and keep waiting for new relationships to appear in your life. However, there are many relationships that persist over time so if you are lucky enough to have this relationship, cherish it every day.

2. There are no free lessons or experiences

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" No meals are free " you have to trade them in one way or another and not always have money. To gain knowledge and experience in life, you have to give up "invisible" things like time, effort, and gray matter and sometimes even feeling pain, tiredness and frustration.

Some broken relationships can be a good thing that you can't see right then. You may be hurt yourself or hurt others. When a relationship ends, it will make you feel miserable and bored. You can cry if you feel better. However, after those tears stand up and continue forward . Sometimes, you can look back and do something. Because you can learn valuable lessons after this relationship. So watch carefully. Looking back but remember: Don't ever let it affect your current life so much and prevent you from moving forward.

3. Some people are good to you because of your self-interest

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In life, you will be treated by many people, but not all of them are completely non-profit. You will only know who is really good to you when falling into difficult circumstances . People who stand by your side in a tribulation are more respectful and caring. And those who leave you at that time . forget it.

4. The relationship is only good when cultivated

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Regardless of whether it is a loving relationship, friends or family need to be cultivated every day to be able to grow and be sustainable. You should not leave someone important to you thinking that they are always with you. No, they will leave any time you are not good.

If you really value some relationship, show it and invest time and effort for it.Try to foster relationships and don't be afraid of being hurt. Because even if it's not what you want, you've tried your best and there's no regret.

5. "Green grass only when fully watered"

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We often have the habit of looking at our friends, relatives, colleagues and then comparing ourselves and finding ourselves inferior. Always ask: Why did they achieve those achievements that I didn't? Why is their life more perfect than me?

If you've ever thought of these things, tell yourself: everyone has their own problems and challenges in life, no matter how flashy their " surface " is. So we are not how they know what those friends and colleagues have gone through to achieve such success. Instead of jealousy with others, you should take the time to take care of your career path .

6. You cannot please everyone

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Never. You cannot do that. So do what you like and say what you want. If someone hates what you do, just let them be free to do it. Don't change yourself just to please someone because they will never stop asking.

Accept with the fact that you will always have something that makes others feel dissatisfied. However, you need to be flexible and know how to please some people on a case-by-case basis to make life easier.

7. Build relationships that can go further. Know to please the necessary people

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Be diligent out, meet people and have sustainable relationships. Don't try to know everyone because it's like you don't know anyone. Focus on investing in certain relationships and take the time to learn about them. These people do not necessarily have to take a high or powerful position, maybe a colleague, a co-club member. Whoever you are, you should come to them with a sincere heart and you will get back what you deserve.

8. Everyone wants to work easy, who is it hard for?

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If you are assigned to do a difficult task while friends or colleagues are able to do easy tasks, try to be happy to do it. You need to be familiar with people who do few people do a lot in a collective, as long as the end result is good. When doing hard work, you will have the opportunity to learn new things for yourself.

9. Self-solve your own problems

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Stop complaining, complaining and crying to others about your problems . Seriously, no one will care. So roll up your sleeves and solve it yourself. You can ask others for help, but no one can solve the problem better than yourself, because only you know what you really want. When solving problems, you must also be responsible for any decisions you make. Nobody will take care of you.

10. No one is supposed to help you

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Take responsibility for yourself. Your parents, friends or teachers don't owe you anything. If you want to do something, try to achieve it yourself. Don't expect others to help you. If they help you, remember to be grateful to them. If they do not help, do not hate them, because they have no obligation to do so. You are an independent individual and if you want to achieve something there is only one way to try to work hard.

11. Appearance is not all, important is how you express yourself

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Everyone wants others to love them with their personality and knowledge, not about their appearance.Respect, confidence and kindness are all you need. People often talk about a pretty face with a bad personality, but no one talks about a person who has a great personality but looks normal. When you grow up, you'll realize that looks aren't really everything.

12. The me really doesn't help

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Personal ego has no benefit at all . Ignore your personal ego and apologize when necessary. Friendship and relationships are more valuable than stupid arrogance. You even hate your boss but ignore me and say good morning to see him in the morning. Because if you don't say that, will you imagine what you got from it? The useless me and the bad risks you can get back from your boss. Isn't it worth it? Letting me control my actions will make you lose many opportunities both in life and in work.

13. Only you make yourself happy

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Don't expect anyone to bring happiness to you. You will be disappointed long. Love yourself. And be confident in yourself. When others treat you fat, you can say: " You say I'm fat ? That's right. But do you know I have a hard time maintaining my current weight so that it doesn't increase or decrease? That's really very It's hard, eating sweets isn't easy when you're sleepy, right ? " Love and take care of yourself every day to feel loved, then you can love others.

14. Do not be afraid of being ridiculed. Learning to laugh at yourself will make you more comfortable

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We cannot avoid being judged and mocked by others.Ignore others' judgments , because they don't care how you feel. Instead of receiving unpleasant feelings into people, learn to laugh at your imperfections. Thoroughly analyze, if it's a crap, throw it straight into the "trash". They are them and you are friends. It is a way to show whether you are confident with your imperfections perfectly. Use the action and achievements to prove that what they say is wrong. However, keep in mind that constructive criticisms keep in mind to improve yourself.

15. Life is inherently unfair. Never be fair

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You tried as everyone, even more, but why did they get what they wanted and you didn't? Ignore it. Life is inherently unfair and it will never be fair.

There are people whose lives are favored in many ways than others. This is not anyone's fault. We are forced to accept this even if it is not easy. Try to strive to improve yourself every day, if you don't get what you want, at least get close to where you want to go.

16. Each person has his own opinion

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It is normal for you and others to disagree. You do not need to change if your point of view is not the same as anyone. Just don't be ashamed of what you think, just live the way you think is right. Don't be shaken.

Do you believe there is a second chance? Give it that opportunity. Do you want to be vegetarian? Do it. You want to treat people well, at least for those who deserve it? Be nice to everyone . Don't change just because one person can't accept you.

17. You will never get everything you want

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In life you will never get everything you want because it's life.Be satisfied with what you are, you will feel happy . Of course there is always someone better, richer and more attractive. You will never win, so don't hope. Try to improve yourself best according to you, not the best according to others.

18. Prioritize decisions in your life

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Every day we have to choose between what we should and should not do.Consider carefully before making a choice so as not to waste time on unworthy things.

19. Take a step back to review the problem from different perspectives

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Don't believe the stories that are told only from one side because they have two sides. You have to look closely at things rather than empathy. Put yourself in that situation to understand why they did so and took a step back to observe the picture more clearly.Learn everything thoroughly before you trust !

20. Always treat others well

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It is possible that many people will choose to live fast to achieve their achievements quickly, but many others choose a long-distance path.Be a good person no matter how badly you face life , simply because being a good person never suffers.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 11 skills are extremely difficult to learn but extremely helpful in the successful path
  2. 5 ways to overcome Dale Carnegie's fear and anxiety
  3. 15 interesting psychological tricks everyone should know
Update 24 May 2019


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