14 psychological tricks to get people to do what you want

Here are 14 supported science strategies that make people follow what you like.

You don't need to be a CEO of a company to make people listen and follow you.

Psychological studies show that there are many ways to make your partner do what you want - even if they don't realize you're trying to convince them to do what you want.

We have found 14 "backed up" scientific strategies that make people follow what you like. This will help you feel like you have a stronger voice and voice.

1. Use "bait" to let someone buy your product

Picture 1 of 14 psychological tricks to get people to do what you want

In an inspirational presentation recorded at the TED nonprofit event, behavioral economist Dan Ariely explained the " decoy effect" using an old Economist ad to make a wallet. example.

The advertising agency offers three advertising registrations as follows: $ 59 USD (about 1.3 million VND) online advertising package, $ 159 USD (about 3.5 million VND) on paper advertising packages and $ 159 USD (about VND 3.5 million) dual advertising packages both online and on paper. Ariely explained that paper-based advertising packages cost $ 159 while dual-page and online advertising packages cost only $ 159 USD. Therefore, the double advertising package becomes attractive, stimulating customers to choose to buy this advertising package for more benefits.

In other words, when you have difficulty selling two high-priced products, give the "third option" to the customer, making the initial choice "less expensive" and therefore They become more attractive to customers.

2. Changing the environment makes the enemy less aggressive

"Hunting " is a very powerful psychological phenomenon, creating an unconscious reaction. A study cited in the book " You Are Not So Smart" found that participants in games in the closed room chose to keep more money than themselves when sitting alone in a room with a briefcase. leather, pocket clip and a fountain pen. When sitting in a room with a cool space, with neutral objects unconsciously, the aggressiveness in them will decrease significantly. Although none of the participants play what is happening, but the business object is related to objects that cause competition.

This tactic can be used when you want to negotiate with someone - instead of meeting them in a serious meeting room as usual, invite your partner to a new space, such as a coffee shop. or somewhere they are comfortable with, your partner will become less assertive right away.

3. Mimic the opponent's body language to make them sympathetic to you.

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Next time, if you are trying to impress employers or your partner, try to imitate the way they sit and their way of talking is sophisticated - maybe, they will like you more.

Scientists call it "chameleon effect" : We tend to like to chat with people who talk when they have the same postures, styles and facial expressions.

The strange thing about this phenomenon is that most of it will work unconsciously. Even most of the volunteers who participated in the "chameleon effect" did not realize that the person sitting opposite was deliberately "imitating" their actions.

4. Speed ​​up speaking in debates to win sympathy

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The way you communicate ideas is as important as the nature of the idea. Research conducted by the University of Georgia shows that when someone disagrees with you, you should make a critical argument at a faster rate so that the opponent does not have time to process all the information. which you are saying and only "nod". This helps to shorten the information processing time of the opposite person, making them easier to "afternoon" at your disposal.

On the other hand, when you see your partner agreeing with your opinion, then speak more slowly so that everyone has time to evaluate and understand the message you want to convey.

5. Causing confusion to achieve the desired

The "break - then - reframe-then-reframe" technique is a "sneaky" way to get people involved.

One study found that when the participants went home to sell note cards for charity purposes, the DTR technique helped them earn twice as much money when they simply said that They are selling 8 cards for $ 3 USD (about 66,000 VND), only 40% of households agree to buy. But when they changed the way to do it using DTR technology, there was only "300 cents for 8 cards", they sold double the amount compared to "$ 3 USD 8 cards".

Researchers say that the DTR technique is used because it "breaks" buyers' normal thinking, making it impossible for buyers to rationalize and decide their spending. When trying to think of spending 300 coins to make them distracted, they accepted the price as a deal.

6. Ask about hobbies when they are tired to get cooperation

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The human warning effect always raises doubts when approached by an offer. However, when someone is tired or distracted, this mechanism will work ineffectively and therefore, they will easily believe what you are saying is correct.

Therefore, if you are intending to suggest the help of a colleague for a project, it is best to recommend at the end of the working hour. At that time, your colleague used all his strength to complete the tasks of the day, not having enough energy to realize that what you said could be completed in an hour is incorrect.

Make sure you pay back by helping them on an upcoming project, so you simply shouldn't just take advantage of your colleagues' hard work.

7. Using eye images makes people behave more consciously

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In a study at Newcastle University, scientists put images of eyes in a public canteen instead of flowers and followed customer reactions. The results showed that the number of people who cleaned up their place after eating significantly more.

Therefore, if you are trying to prevent indiscriminate littering or encouraging people to return books when borrowing at the library, it may make them act more culturally and responsibly when they feel "I am being watched ".

8. Use nouns instead of verbs to make people change their behavior

In a study, volunteers were asked two questions with the same content: " What is the level of importance for you to vote in tomorrow's election?" and " What is the level of importance for you to become a voter in tomorrow's election? ". The results of the following day showed that volunteers when asked "voters" went to vote more significantly than those who were asked to " vote" .

This is because when people are motivated by the need to belong and use a noun to make them feel they have the same identity and are members of a particular group.

9. Bring fear to achieve what you want

Research shows that people who have experienced anxiety and anxiety and then calmed down will have more positive reactions to requests for help later. For example, people who cross the street on time to hear police sirens will easily accept answers to interview questions sooner than those who do not hear the sirens.

That may be because their sources of cognitive energy are disturbed by the fear they have just encountered. Therefore, they often do not consider carefully the requirements set forth immediately afterwards.

It may not be reasonable if you blow the whistle right in the middle of your company. Consider "threatening" your colleagues in a more subtle way, such as reminding them about a project later and asking them if they want to care for you, then tell them.

10. Focus on what your partner will receive when negotiating

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While negotiating and negotiating, research shows that you should emphasize to your partner what they will receive instead of what they lose . For example, if you are trying to sell a car, say "I will sell you my car for $ 1,000", instead of saying "I want $ 1000 for this car".

That way, you will convince your partner to see things in a different way and perhaps, they will be more accepting.

11. Show everyone your point of view

Obviously, if you want to change someone's perspective, you should help them realize what they have done is wrong. But when it comes to politics, scientists show that a less intuitive strategy can help get things done better.

In a 2014 study, Jewish political views were evident in the series of video clips depicting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict , seen as a positive "experience". about the origin of the Jews.

After a few months, the Israeli right-wingers (who are less sympathetic to the left-wing people ) are more likely to change their political views than those of right-wingers who have watched non-political videos. It is even more likely that they want to vote than to create "peaceful" political parties.

Researchers suspect this operation strategy because it does not threaten people, thus reducing the defense mechanism and allowing them to reconsider their position.

12. Know when to stop to avoid a debate going into a standstill

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When researching articles from the " ChangeMyView " forum, researchers have identified effective tactics to convince someone to move toward their point of view. An interesting study conducted in 2016 analyzed activities on ChangeMyView - a website where users can make their own views. Members of this forum can submit questions and forum members will express their opinions around that question.

An unusual finding in research is that those people will protect their arguments - for example, by saying " might be the case " - eventually succeeding than changing previous thoughts. Researchers say it is possible because it softens your critical melodies.

13. Gentle sympathy for them

A 1991 study found that people who bought books were often greeted by tapping their arms so that they had more time to pick up items in the store and buy more than the guests that were not greeted gently. .

Interestingly, other studies show that men who lightly touch the arm of a woman are more likely to want the woman's phone number.

14. Tell them that they have a choice

It sounds unusual, but when reminding people that they can choose to do or not. That can help you motivate them to follow your requirements.

A recent review of research highlights the effectiveness of the technique "but be comfortable": Reaffirming someone's freedom, choice can double the chance when they do You want, whether it's " donating" for a specific cause or taking a survey.

No need to be too picky, you just need to say simply " But that is obviously not required ".

Update 24 May 2019


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