How to Become a Psychology Professor
Becoming a psychology professor takes a lot of hard work, but it's easier to achieve if you just take it step by step. Start by taking psychology classes in high school and then gaining a bachelor's degree. Next, you can work on a master's...
Part 1 of 5:
Working on Your Basic Education
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Take extra psychology classes in high school. It never hurts to get a head start on your career in high school. Take any classes in psychology your school offers. If your school doesn't offer that many, ask a guidance counselor to take some co-currently at a local community college. -
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Earn a bachelor's degree in psychology. While it's not absolutely necessary to get your bachelor's in psychology, you should choose a degree in this field or a related one if you want to go on to be a professor. Related fields include sociology and other social sciences.[1]- Some programs offer allow you to complete your bachelor's degree and master's degree in a combine program that is shorter than if you did them separately.[2]
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Apply to be a teaching assistant or research assistant. It's good to get some experience as an undergraduate so you can know what you want to focus on later. These positions will help you decide what kind of teaching position you prefer, either a student-driven teaching position at a smaller university or a research-driven teaching position at a larger university.[3]- Often, you can get positions that will help you pay for your school. If not, you may want to volunteer anyway.
- In your junior year, talk to your professors to see if any of them is willing to take you on as a teaching or research assistant in your senior year. It can be helpful to ask a professor who you've gotten to know over the years.
- You might say, "I'd like to become more familiar with the actual teaching side of psychology. Would it be possible for me to volunteer as your assistant next year?"
- You can also work as an assistant if you continue on to a master's degree.
Part 2 of 5:
Taking the GRE
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Check the scores you need to enter your preferred psychology graduate programs. Most graduate school programs require that you take the GRE, a standardized test that helps them weed out candidates. The test is divided into 3 parts: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. Often, the scores you need to enter a program will be listed on the program's website.[4]- For instance, NYU recommends that your scores be in the top 50th percentile.
- Some tougher psychology programs may put more emphasis on the quantitative reasoning sections than other programs, depending on how research-focused the program is.
- Some programs won't even require the GRE, so you may be able to avoid it altogether. For instance, Stanford's PhD program doesn't require it.[5]
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Sign up at a location near you to take the GRE. Most major cities in the U.S. have a testing center, and you can take the computer test any time during the year. If you prefer to take a paper test, you must choose one of the paper dates, which only happens a few times a year.[6]- Keep in mind that testing slots are on a first come, first served basis. Make sure you allow 3-4 weeks to get your scores back before you need to submit them.
- You can find test centers near you at
- The fee to take the test in 2018 is $205 USD.[7]
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Study for the GRE by using online resources and guidebooks. You can take practice tests online to help you prepare for the GRE. You can also find any number of review books that will help you prepare for the test. Review books can help you brush up on less-used skills. For instance, if you haven't taken any math classes in awhile, you might want to spend some time working on your math skills.[8]- GRE prep classes or even a tutor can also help you review
- Make sure to focus on the sections you need to do best on to enter your preferred psychology programs!
- The GRE website offers free overviews, as well as a few low-cost options to help you prepare at
- It's a good idea to at least take a practice test ahead of time so you know what you're in for.
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Take the exam. The verbal reasoning section will consist of 2 30-minute sections, each with 20 questions. The quantitative reasoning section is 2 35-minute sections of 20 questions each. In the analytical writing section, you'll have 2 30-minute sections with 1 question each.[9]- The verbal reasoning section is composed of reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence. These are multiple choice for the most part, but some reading comprehension questions may ask you to select an answer from the paragraph provided.[10]
- The quantitative reasoning section covers algebra, basic math, geometry, and data analysis. These are mainly multiple choice, but some require that you enter your answer. You will be provided with a calculator.[11]
- The analytical writing section is divided into an issue task and an argument task. In the issue task, you evaluate the issue and take a side. In the argument task, you must decide if a presented argument is logical and sound.
- At the exam, you can elect to send your scores to 4 schools. You get 4 free score reports.
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Wait for the scores. Your scores will be mailed 10-15 days after you take the test. While verbal and quantitative reasoning are multiple choice and scored by a computer, the analytical writing section needs to be scored by a person.[12]- The scores will be given in the range of 130 to 170 for the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections in 1-point increments. For the analytical writing, your score will be from 1 to 6 in half-point increments.[13]
- If you don't get as high as you would like, you can take the test again once every 21 days. You can only take it up to 5 times in a 1-year period.[14]
Part 3 of 5:
Earning Your Education Credentials
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Apply for a master's degree program to teach as an adjunct. To teach as a professor, you need at least a master's degree. That will allow you to teach at community colleges or as an adjunct professor at some larger universities.[15]- To decide on schools, find programs through your school or online. Look at programs with specialties that you're interested in to help you narrow down your choices.
- You can also use a master's degree to improve your chances of getting into a doctorate program. If your undergraduate grades aren't as good as you like, you can prove you're ready for graduate work at the doctoral level by doing a master's degree first and doing well.
- You do not necessarily need a master's degree to get into a doctoral program.[16]
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Complete the required coursework. Typically, you'll have 2 full years of coursework, including classes in research, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, and other divisions in the field. The school will give you a list of classes that you're required to take either on campus or online.[17]- Finish the degree with a thesis or capstone project. With a master's degree, you may be required to write a thesis, which is a lengthy essay on a topic you develop. You may also be asked to do either a capstone project or a capstone test.[18]
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Consider an additional teaching certificate. If you are just getting a master's degree, a teaching certificate in psychology can help prepare you better for the classroom. Typically, these are relatively short programs that can be completed in a year or so.[19]- Having a teaching certificate can also help give you an edge when it comes to applying for a job.
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Choose a PhD in Psychology in an area your passionate about. A PhD, rather than a PsyD (Doctor of Psychology), focuses on research rather than the practice of psychology. It's better a better degree if you want to go into teaching. It's important to focus on the area you love, so that you can go on to teach that type of psychology.[20] -
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Pick a program from an APA-accredited school. Once you decide what you field you want, use the website from the American Psychology Association (APA) to find an accredited program, if you want a degree in counseling psychology or clinical psychology. This agency is the main accrediting agency for doctoral programs in these 2 fields of psychology, and some places will not hire you without an accredited degree.[21]- Visit the website at
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Work on your PhD coursework. You typically need to complete at least 60-80 credit hours of coursework in your field. How many hours and what courses depends on the specialty you're seeking, but the university will provide some guidance as to what you need to take.[22]- A PhD takes 5-7 years, depending on where you do it and whether or not you're going full time.
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Participate in teaching and research positions. While you're completing your PhD, you'll likely be asked to work as a teaching assistant or research assistant. Typically, these positions are paid or provide money towards your tuition.[23]- Some programs also require that you perform a clinical rotation, where you work under a psychologist to provide services, much like a medical student does before becoming a doctor.
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Complete your PhD with a dissertation and oral defense. Though you'll take some classes while working on your PhD, the main focus of your program will likely be your dissertation, a book-length essay. This dissertation will typically focus on research you've conducted or on a creative argument based on previous scholarship.[24]- In addition, you'll also likely need to defend your dissertation at the end of the program. A defense is where you go in front of a group of professors, and they ask you questions about your dissertation. You must get through the defense to pass the program.
Part 4 of 5:
Getting Licensed
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Apply to get a license if you want to present yourself as a psychologist. You do not need a license to teach psychology. However, if you want provide counseling services or do research with people as subjects, you do need to get a license. You also need a license if you supervise students who are providing psychological services.[25]- Check your state's laws to see if you need a license for the position you're applying for.
- Use your state's application process to apply for licensing. Your state board will review your credentials to determine if you can be licensed according to your state's laws.[26]
- Typically, a license requires a set number of clinical hours with clients, which you usually complete during your PhD. You will also need to complete your PhD from an accredited program, sometimes an APA-accredited program.
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Verify your account for the licensing exam, the EPPP. This exam is used by every state, and it is produced by The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). When your state board sends you the first email approving your application for licensing, you have 90 days to verify your account with the ASPPB and begin the registration process for the exam. You may need to contact your board to let them know you are ready to take the test, as they are the ones who will upload your information and begin the process.[27]- Read the Candidate Acknowledgement Statement sent to you by the ASPPB after verification, which tells you important information you need to know about taking the exam. After you read it, you must submit the form saying you've read it. Then you gain access to practice tests.
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Complete the EPPP Application Form. Find this form in your account on the ASPPB website. Once you fill out this form, you'll be sent an email about scheduling your exam. Set up an account with Pearson VUE, where you can schedule your exam and pay for it, as well as schedule and pay for practice exams.[28]- As of 2018, the exam costs $687.50 USD. There are testing centers in most cities where you can schedule and take the exam. Once you pay your fees, you must take the exam within 90 days.[29]
- Use practice tests to prepare for your exam. Taking a practice test will give you an idea of what you need to know to pass the test.
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Pass the EPPP exam to obtain your license. The exam covers 8 areas in 225 multiple-choice questions. Only 175 of these questions count against your final score. The exam takes about 4.5 hours.[30]- The 8 areas the exam covers are:
- Biological bases of behavior.
- Cognitive affective bases of behavior.
- Social and cultural bases of behavior.
- Growth and lifespan development.
- Assessment and diagnosis.
- Treatment, intervention, prevention, and supervision.
- Research methods and statistics.
- Ethical, legal, and professional issues.
- The 8 areas the exam covers are:
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Wait for your official scores. Once you take the test, you will receive unofficial scores at the test center. This score rarely changes, and your official score will be sent to the licensing board.[31]- Typically, you must make 450-500 to be considered "passing." A score of 450 is often for supervised clinical practice only. The score ranges are from 200 to 800.
- The licensing board will notify you if you are accepted for licensing. If you didn't pass, you can retake the exam, though when and how often is determined by your local licensing board.
Part 5 of 5:
Finding a Position
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Check university websites and academic job search sites. Most schools list jobs on their websites, so check frequently at universities and colleges you'd like to work at. Job search engines that focus specifically on academic jobs are also useful, as they help narrow the field for you.[32]- One commonly used academic job search engine you can try is
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Apply for positions that match your specialty. You'll have a better chance of landing a position if you focus on jobs that match your background in psychology. For example, if you wrote your dissertation on educational psychology, look for positions that specifically ask for experience with this specialty.[33] -
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Tailor your cover letter for each job. It's difficult to tailor your curriculum vitae for a position because, unlike a resume, it must list all of your academic and career experience. However, with your cover letter, you should highlight the most relevant experience as it relates to the position.[34]- Keep your cover letter under 2 pages for academic positions. Begin by introducing yourself and name the position you're applying for and how you heard about it.
- In the middle section, connect your experience and academic job with the requirements of the position by going point by point. Show why you're a good candidate for the job.
- Discuss what you can bring to the position and how it aligns with your career goals.
- End with a short summary of why you're a good candidate. Make sure to say you would like an interview for the position.
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Prepare for your interview by doing your research. Look up information on the school and department ahead of time. Make sure you know the major players in the psychology department, as well as the main focuses of the department. In addition, be ready to talk about any major studies or research to come out of the department.[35]- Research the institution online, but also don't be afraid to reach out to your academic mentors to find out what they know about the school.
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Be ready to discuss your research and teaching style. You'll need to talk about your own research and interests, why you're a good fit for the department, and your teaching philosophy. You will also likely be asked about what kinds of research you see yourself doing in the future. In many cases, you'll be asked to teach a sample class, which you will need to prepare ahead of time.[36]- Academic interviews tend to be grueling. You may meet with department professors, the department head, a hiring committee, and/or a dean or other administrators. You may have to give several interviews in addition to the class you teach.
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