11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective

Here are 11 interesting features of the ideal man when viewed from a scientific perspective. Invite you to consult!

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The ideal man is a muscular body, understands everything like an old man and brave as a warrior like in a movie that we often watch on TV. Each woman has a unique look and standards of beauty for her.

However, scientists have studied and pointed out some traits in guys who will have a certain attraction for women. Join us to find out and see how many criteria you have for the same man as scientists!

Here are 11 interesting features of the ideal man when viewed from a scientific perspective:

11. Thick eyebrows and square chin

Picture 1 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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Thick eyebrows and square chin are typical features of masculinity. A guy with clear eyebrows will create accents and appeal to the face. Angular jaw shows a firmness, rigidity and women often feel that these guys will be more beautiful and attractive to them.

10. Beard

Picture 2 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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Beard is also considered to be a female attraction feature of boys, which is why it is not natural for people to give men the nickname " eyebrow whiskers ". Scientists have conducted an interesting study to find out why beards can affect a man's beauty.

Women were invited to evaluate and select the boys who had the most appeal to them in the situation: the boy had shaved his beard, did not shave for 3 days, did not shave for 7 days and did not shave beard within two weeks.

As a result, most women choose boys who do not shave within 7 days. This shows that "beard" also creates a certain attraction in the hearts of women , they have the feeling that this man is older and will grow up.

9. Scar

Picture 3 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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Scars on the face will be a drawback for women, but for men this is not a big problem even women see men with small scars on the face more attractive. Those scars can be considered a time of mischief that has passed or it could be an accident, but this sign makes women curious about men and want to learn more about them.

See also: 8 facts about male bodies that they themselves do not know

8. Own a friendly smile

Picture 4 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
© alltheotherstuff / imgur

Women are often not sympathetic to arrogant men and like to chat with cute, psychological and friendly smiles. Scientists have proven that a girl might fall in love with a bad guy if he has a gentle smile that makes her heart flutter.It can be said that smile is also a dangerous weapon in conquering her heart.

7. Age

Picture 5 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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If for a woman to choose between a handsome guy and a similar guy but in many years later, she will choose the second guy. It is because women think that young men will still be shallow and have not really thought about a family, and older men may not be as beautiful but with maturity, stability and independence. Finance will be a safer option for them.

The age of a man does not really affect fertility ( this also depends on the daily lifestyle ), which is why there is no risk if a woman chooses a big mate. year old. Scientists call this feature the George Clooney effect - the effect women are attracted to older men.

6. Know savings in spending

Picture 6 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective

Of course women will appreciate the romantic boys and show their love to her with expensive gifts. However, girls who really want to cultivate for a further future will want their boys to be financially savvy and aware of their future needs. Therefore, guys who know how to control things properly always have peace of mind and have a small attraction for women.

5. Love animals

Picture 7 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
© IvanLudvig / reddit

Girls think: if a guy loves pets and takes good care of them, he or she can take good care of other people and their children. Therefore, women will be very sympathetic to men who own a pet, if you find that you have a cute pet in your house, believe that you have one of the interesting features. taste for girls.

4. Hot clothes

Picture 8 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
© samsjeee / imgur

You've probably heard this before, but we still want to repeat. Scientists say that men wearing red, orange or using a hot-colored accessory will attract more female eyes. That's because the characteristics of warm colors will make us feel close, " flamboyant " and full of life.

3. Play musical instruments

Picture 9 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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Having an interesting experiment, a guy will actively approach and ask for the girls' phone numbers when he holds a guitar in his hand, when wearing a backpack and when not holding anything . The results showed that more than 35% of the girls agreed to give their phone number to the guitarist for a while, 14% of the girls gave the phone number when he didn't hold anything and 9% agree with the number when he wears a backpack.Thus, it can be said that boys with a certain talent will easily get sympathy from the girls.

2. Body odor after eating garlic

Picture 10 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
© FunGames87 / imgur

Surely we can hardly believe this, but it is true. In the experiment, the participating men were divided into two groups: the first group to eat bread and cheese; The second group ate bread, cheese and 12 grams (0.42 oz) of garlic. Later, they were asked to hold the cotton pad under the arm and not use the deodorant roller after a long day. Women then sniffed those pieces of cotton and concluded that " garlic-smelling cotton " was more attractive.

1. Funny

Picture 11 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective

The humor of the boys not only brings smiles to those around them but the girls also often " prioritize " to choose a guy with a sense of humor, because he does not only know how to work for the woman. My girl laughs but also makes her feel comfortable and interesting when she's around .

In the bar, there are some guys ( actors ) and a normal girl sitting at the next table. A guy said funny jokes, then went to the girl and asked her phone number. Then they waited for another girl to come. One of the funny jokes was done again, but this time it was a humorous guy who went to a girl. They repeated the same experiment 60 times.

Most cases show that men have told a joke more successful in getting phone numbers. The girls gave the phone number because that man seemed attractive and even seemed smart. We totally agree with that result. What do you think?

And this is the perfect guy from the perspective of scientists!

Picture 12 of 11 interesting features of the ideal man from a scientific perspective
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A few years ago, scientists discovered that " the ideal man " should have Brad Pitt's nose, Bradley Cooper's eyes and George Clooney's hair . He should also have a pet, scarred on his eyebrows, know how to play and wear a prominent red shirt! After this image is completed, how do you rate our perfect guy?

See also: Funny pictures about 20 differences between men and women

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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