The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people

Dare to say that you will never find such interesting mental math or math rules in textbooks!

How to teach Japanese fast-paced mental arithmetic: Learning mental arithmetic of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and multiplication tables, . will be very dry for children who start school. How do you find it interesting to do this? Please take a look at the quick mental arithmetic clips, the easy-to-memorize multiplication guide clip below, surely your child will be fascinated with the numbers! Students need these tips to make learning simple and easy. You can also view it to apply to that daily life.

How to teach Japanese children with super mental arithmetic

5 steps to teach children super mental arithmetic:

  1. Step 1 : Help your child develop a strong sense of numbers, help them understand the meaning of numbers before understanding the concept of addition and subtraction. For example, you can ask your child to tell you how many different ways to create number 6, children can answer pairs like 0 and 6, 5 and 1, 4 and 2, 3 and 3 . This helps children develop a practical understanding and then an abstract example.
  2. Step 2 : Teach how to count 2 units. For example, for children to count 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 . A set of numbers increases to help children understand that adding will ignore the next number, minus the previous number. If you study up to 100, let your child count 5, 10, 15 . 100.
  3. Step 3 : Use fingers or other materials such as ball pens, rods . to teach children to do addition or subtraction. Remember to teach children how to imagine. For example, there are 3 horses in the barn, one runs out to show the children a few leftovers.
  4. Step 4 : Combine interesting tips to help children pay attention to addition and subtraction. For example, quick quiz for addition and subtraction calculations like 3 + 3 =?, Or 5 + 0 =?, 7 - 0 =? or 100 + 0 =? (although children only learn in small numbers).
  5. Step 5 : Practice plus, except in the usual way with cards, sticks . children can also be bored. Being able to search for software, programs on the Internet can also interest children. If possible, you can give your child time to practice so that they are more motivated and excited.

Teach children to calculate addition and subtraction:

  1. Calculating with addition:

- When adding two numbers, place a large number before the small number and then calculate the mental count up in the head

For example: 6 + 29, it is advisable to mentally recite 29 + 6. Therefore, it is easier for the child to learn because he only has to count from 29.

- Add from about 10 units at a time

For example: 55 + 24 will be = 55 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 55, 65, 75 + 4

- Split the number for a dozen and then add up

For example: 37 + 15 = 37 + 3 + 12 = 40 + 12

38 + 37 = 40 + 40 - 2 - 3 = 75

- Use a dozen round numbers nearby and subtract the excess

For example: 35 + 18 = 35 + 20 - 2 = 55 - 2 = 53

- "Break" the numbers into a dozen and then add the odd number

For example: 35 + 24 = 30 + 20 + 5 + 4 = 50 + 9 = 59

  1. Calculation of subtraction with subtraction:

- Count up and down from small numbers up to nearly ten:

For example: 23 - 18 = counting from 18 to 20 is 2 units, from 20 to 23 is 3 units

Should be 23 - 18 = 5

- Split the number for a dozen and then divide. For example: 83 - 42 = 83 - 40 - 2 = 43 - 2 = 41

- Use the nearest ten rounds and add the extra numbers: Example: 43 - 19 = 43 - 20 + 1 = 23 + 1 = 24

  1. Teach children to calculate with complex calculations:

1. Change from degrees F to C and vice versa (relative numbers)

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 1The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 1

2. Simple tip with big multiplication

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 2The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 2

3. The secret when multiplied by 11

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 3The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 3

4. The secret to remember the value of Pi: You can remember the value of Pi by counting the letters in the sentence: "May I have a large container of coffee" (3,1415926)

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 4The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 4

5. Tips to add plus minus the butterfly-shaped method

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 5The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 5

6. The multiplication table 9 has the opposite law

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 6The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 6

7. How to multiply Japanese students

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 7The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 7

8. How to calculate fractions

The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 8The way to teach children fast mental arithmetic of Japanese people Picture 8

Video teaches mental arithmetic with 2 hands

Japanese teaching mentality

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